Finally posting a message

RunnerZ Member Posts: 185
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Well, enough lurking....This site has provided me with some entertainment and information for's about time I let you know I'm here. I'm 41 years old and just received my 5 year all clear after a rough battle with Stage 3 rectal cancer. Had chemoradiation in NYC on the tumor before surgery....and had a complete response to that pre-surgical treatment. However, they still operate to make cancerous cells. All good news, especially for those of us who have rectal cancer (the response to chemoradiation, if complete, is a survival advantage). Anyway, it was not an easy battle. The radiation and chemotherapy together knocked me on my butt...I could not even run after awhile (I am a regular runner, former marathon runner). I perservered, with the help of my wife and young kids (except when they jumped on my staples). I do have some side effects from the surgery, especially related to using the bathroom much more frequently (like some of you here), but I manage, and am glad to be alive, running, working as a prosecutor, and raising my kids. However, life after cancer is a challenge, even if it is a miracle. I just want to be here to help some people when I can (I found excercise to be a tonic to the uncertainty of whether I would survive or not), and watch other survivors fight it out. Sponge kids love ya'..and your recovery sounds a lot like mine...keep up the good work..I admire your return to your profession after this battle...I had to do the same thing. Take care all..I'm here to help.


  • jsabol
    jsabol Member Posts: 1,145 Member
    What good news...that 5 year mark seems like a far away prize; hope to make it there myself. Thanks for un-lurking! Judy
  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Ahoy, RunnerZ -

    Congrats on your 5 year pass! I hope to join you in a few years!!

    BTW, my significant other is Brooklyn Law (1990).

    Glad you unmasked and welcome to the semi-colons!

    - SpongeBob
  • Lisa Rose
    Lisa Rose Member Posts: 598 Member
    Hi RunnerZ,
    Thanks for sharing your story! It gives me such great hope. You are now an inspiration for others that we to can fight our own battle and pray for a positive outcome. . I also had a stage 3 rectal cancer diagnosed at 40 years of age. It's been two years and no major problems so far. Thanks Lisa
  • pattieb
    pattieb Member Posts: 168
    Welcome to the semi colons and congrads on your 5 year keep up the good work, glad you stopped lurking.
  • alihamilton
    alihamilton Member Posts: 347 Member
    Thanks for the inspiring story...I nearly posted to ask for any survivors of Stage 111 as it seems so many people get recurrence to liver and lungs. My husband was diagnosed last July, had surgery with some complications but the tumour was successfully removed without the need of a colostomy. He started chemo in August and then radiotherapy and chemo in the UK in October and November. By the end he was shattered though he had managed to maintain his post op weight until his last admission to hospital because of a blockage.

    Since coming home at the beginning of this year, he has improved considerably, eating well, putting back on some weight and returning to work part time. He had some symptoms of radiation enteritis, cramps and frequent bowel movements but that seems to be settling down now. He has a few more cycles of chemo which are being given once a week for two weeks and then a week off and so on. This is because it is felt that he was too fragile to tolerate the previous protocol of every day for five days and two weeks off in between.However, we are thinking of asking for once a week with no weeks off if he continues to do as well as he is at the moment.

    I find much comfort in these boards...get alarmed sometimes but find the information so helpful.

    Thanks to all the semi-colons who post regularly and share their experiences.
  • Hi Runner:

    Glad you posted and thrilled that you've had the five year anniversary!!! Can't wait for my hubby to do the same. He'll be joining you in about 4 years....good Lord willing, creek don't rise :-)

    Keep posting....your help and story will be invaluable to many.

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    Hello RunnerZ,

    So glad you ran over here and identified yourself (and admitted you were lurking....any others out there ready to join in the fun?).

    SO glad to hear of a 5 yr survival. I just passed my 2 1/2 mark today! All clear!

    peace, emily who completely agrees with you re the exercise.
  • gg2000
    gg2000 Member Posts: 7
    Welcome to the semi colons! Man, you were young!! I was 41 when I was diagnosed, and am approaching 3 years cancer free!! Keep up the good news & the screenings.
