Tamoxifen and headaches?

LucieB Member Posts: 12
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello...I just started on tamoxifen one week ago and have had a headache for the last four days. Since I'm generally not prone to headaches, was curious if others have had the same problem. The list of side effects provided by my pharmacy didn't include headaches, so maybe I'm dealing with something unrelated? Thanks for any help.


  • Sharot
    Sharot Member Posts: 2
    I have been on Tamoxifen since last July and have recently begun having headaches where as before I'd never get them. They aren't like a migrain, but just a dull ache which can last for several hours. I try to ignore them and they eventually go away. I am going to be asking my Dr. this month about them though. Could just be the cold/flu that's been going around. My hubby had a headache for 3 days. Hope they get better for you :) Hugs
  • Snookums
    Snookums Member Posts: 148 Member
    Sharot said:

    I have been on Tamoxifen since last July and have recently begun having headaches where as before I'd never get them. They aren't like a migrain, but just a dull ache which can last for several hours. I try to ignore them and they eventually go away. I am going to be asking my Dr. this month about them though. Could just be the cold/flu that's been going around. My hubby had a headache for 3 days. Hope they get better for you :) Hugs

    On Tamoxifen since last June and no headaches here.??
  • BBK
    BBK Member Posts: 53
    I used to get migraines that were hormonally based. I could tell when my period was going to start, because I had a migraine the day before. I could also tell when they'd end, because I usually had another migraine at the end. Since chemo, which threw me into premature menopause, and since being on tamoxifen (June 2003), I haven't had migraines anymore. Well, there was one...but, sometimes stress gives me a headache. But, other than that, no headaches while on tamoxifen. Don't know if that's why -- I suspect it has something to do with being menopausal now...

    It probably wouldn't hurt to check with a doctor, though, especially since you've gone so many days with a headache!

    Hope you feel better soon. In the meantime, try a darkened room, and put a cool cloth over your eyes! That always helped me. Sleep usually helps, too.

    If you've suddenly stopped drinking caffeinated soda, you could get a headache. So, maybe a little caffeine (a candy bar, for example) might help get rid of the headache. By the way, "they" say that caffeine isn't good for bc -- so we should avoid it. I now drink de-caf soda and herbal teas. Anyway, I hope you feel better soon. Headaches are NO fun! Blessings! ~Barb
  • dstarnes
    dstarnes Member Posts: 14
    I've taken tamoxifen for almost 5 yrs and have not had more headaches, than I usually would have. No side effects experienced here. Deana
  • LucieB
    LucieB Member Posts: 12
    Thanks to all who took the time to respond. The headaches I'm having are not in the serious range, just annoying. I'm going to keep a log since I think they generally start about 4-5 hours after I take the tamoxifen and last for several hours. Maybe a coincidence...maybe not. I'm going to check with my doctor if they persist.
    Thanks again. It's always good to hear from those in the same boat!
  • zifl
    zifl Member Posts: 2
    I, too just started Tamoxifen less than a week ago and started having headaches - feels almost like they are dehydration headaches, i.e., mild pressure - annoying, but not painful - I'm not sure why - how are you taking the drug - was told to try eating a little something before hand - seems to help a bit, but then later in the day when I get more tired they come back. Sorry I'm not more helpful - I guess maybe we should mention to our docs. Good luck