Hummingbyrd--how do you know so much?

bpcbrinks Member Posts: 31
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
How do you know so much? You're great-- so much more informative that my doctors office!!


  • hummingbyrd
    hummingbyrd Member Posts: 950 Member
    Spent 13 years as a physician assistant before diagnosed with parkinson's disease then breast cancer 9 months later. I loved my work, love people, and loved helping them to get better. I've always thought patients have the right to be informed. They tend to follow instructions better because they KNOW WHY they are doing what you've recommended, instead of 'just because I'm your doctor and I said so'. LOL Reminds me of my mom. Plus, informed patients have the 'edge'. If someone knows what to watch for, warning signs that condition is worsening, then they know to call the office or go to the ER. It's much easier to practice preventive medicine than conventional,
    seems so logical to me anyway.
    If it ain't broke don't fix it, but do try to keep it from breaking.
    Bear in mind, however, that any and all comments or suggestions I make here are JUST personal opinion. Nothing I say is to take precedent over your doctor's advice. Feel free to go back and ask questions of doc, but ALWAYS check with your own physician before making any changes.
    All I can offer is based on my knowledge through education, I certainly cannot evaluate anyone as a patient because, first of all I can't even see you physically, or look at your labs, or have a two way conversation...but, advice is free, take it for what it's worth, know it comes from the heart, and is not always right because it is just personal opinion.
    I still love to help when I can! God bless.
  • Snookums
    Snookums Member Posts: 148 Member
    I must agree about you hummingbyrd. I am quick to read any posting by you because I know the care in which you "speak" (type) is genuine.I read your philosophy and it touched my heart. I am a retired teacher and I was adamant about getting my kids the why behind some piece of knowledge. It always made the lesson more relevant and permanent. You show respect to individuals when you give that openness. I have always called you our guardian angel, well, at least mine- C God Bless you!
  • maggs
    maggs Member Posts: 164
    I agree with the others, you do a TERRIFIC job helping us, Hummingbyrd. I am praying for you and your brother, too! Keep up the GREAT work. I visited DEFEAT cancer site, by the way. Can't wait to see the form letter! Thanks! Maggs
  • hummingbyrd
    hummingbyrd Member Posts: 950 Member
    maggs said:

    I agree with the others, you do a TERRIFIC job helping us, Hummingbyrd. I am praying for you and your brother, too! Keep up the GREAT work. I visited DEFEAT cancer site, by the way. Can't wait to see the form letter! Thanks! Maggs

    Me neither maggs, guess I'm waiting for lightening to strike me with the idea of what to write! LOL Luv, hummer
    And snookums, thank you for your note, what a blessing, you are far too kind. If I do help any, it is by the grace of God, and I am so blessed to be a servent to him! ((((HUGS)))) hummer
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member

    Me neither maggs, guess I'm waiting for lightening to strike me with the idea of what to write! LOL Luv, hummer
    And snookums, thank you for your note, what a blessing, you are far too kind. If I do help any, it is by the grace of God, and I am so blessed to be a servent to him! ((((HUGS)))) hummer


    peace, emily who is encouraged by her buddy hummer's passion to fight the "system" and be a voice!