Without Insurance

huskers92 Member Posts: 1
Hello, my girlfriend was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma almost a year ago and has not received any treatments because she doesn't have health insurance. Doctors want $1500 upfront and then $89 a week after that. Can someone please tell me what we can do to get her these treatments without having to give that much money out of our pockets? We are getting very desperate, because we know that she needs to get help immediately, but financially we can't do it. I would appreciate any information please.


  • mlockrem
    mlockrem Member Posts: 8
    Have you tried applying for medicaid? When I was pregnant I did not have health insurance and because of my finances I was able to qualify. I would look into that also the ACS should be able to help you in finding a way to recieve treatment. Good Luck
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