spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Ahoy, all you semi-colons!

I just wanted to share some good news with you; I have received orders to be the Executive Officer (that's "second in command" for you non-military types out there)in a ship.

To me this really means several things;

1. I am doing well health-wise (but I will not become complacent nor will I take life for granted)

2. Despite the cancer, my military career is still on track and my Rich Uncle Sam continues to have full faith and confidence in my abilities to perform my duties.

3. Cancer is not an end. It is a detour. Some detours are longer and bumppier than others, but we must keep moving down our road.

4. If I can help someone down their road, then it's my responsibility as a person to do that.

I'm probably heading out in March and I have some schools to attend that will take me off the discussions for a couple of weeks at a shot, but rest assured that, until then, I'll keep up my lively banter - I don't want Stacy getting bored or emily to start considering eating a twinkie, or Vincent to get a craving for a glass of milk, or...


  • aspaysia
    aspaysia Member Posts: 250

    You can't leave us now, just when we were falling for your goofy charm. My heart cannot go on despite what Celine Dion says. You will just have to get another job. Flip burgers, mow lawns, become the world's oldest paperboy. Anything. Don't disappear over the horizon. And if you think we are going to hang a lantern in the window and wait for you like Penelope waited for Odysseus while he consorted with sea nymphs, think again, swabbie.

    You better have some state of the art internet connections on the SS Poseidon, mate, or this is one harpie that will track you down (using esp)and feed your black heart to a giant squid.

    Well, that feels better now that I am on the record with my objections to your important career move. So lash yourself to the mast when you hear that siren call and don't get drink too much grog on shore leave. You may wake up in some cheap hotel room married to that sweet thing that reminded you of your first wife.
  • pattieb
    pattieb Member Posts: 168
    aspaysia said:


    You can't leave us now, just when we were falling for your goofy charm. My heart cannot go on despite what Celine Dion says. You will just have to get another job. Flip burgers, mow lawns, become the world's oldest paperboy. Anything. Don't disappear over the horizon. And if you think we are going to hang a lantern in the window and wait for you like Penelope waited for Odysseus while he consorted with sea nymphs, think again, swabbie.

    You better have some state of the art internet connections on the SS Poseidon, mate, or this is one harpie that will track you down (using esp)and feed your black heart to a giant squid.

    Well, that feels better now that I am on the record with my objections to your important career move. So lash yourself to the mast when you hear that siren call and don't get drink too much grog on shore leave. You may wake up in some cheap hotel room married to that sweet thing that reminded you of your first wife.

    I agree with aspaysia 100%. And I know you can still keep in touch. Best of luck matey.
  • vcavanagh
    vcavanagh Member Posts: 79
    Congratulations SBob, That's great news. THe song says it all.
    "The Navy gets the gravy
    and the army gets the beans !"
    I'm just delighted for you.
    By the way, what's milk ?
    If it is "the milk of human kindness" well then you've got plenty of it. But don't tell them about it on board your ship. You're supposed to be a man of iron as Executive officer.
  • Oly
    Oly Member Posts: 19
    That's really good news and a major plus for you! Next stop, seagoing command.

    Keep yer dauber up and a weather eye behind!

    Oh, yes, I plan to make that new year's eve post you suggested to me. Just wait til you read that one!
  • StacyGleaso
    StacyGleaso Member Posts: 1,233 Member
    You are SO selfish! Really, though, have a safe trip, and usually when I'm bored, it leads to road trips...Lisa Rose & I will pick up the convertible and perhaps cross your path...

    never say never...

  • Congrats!!!!! Please stay in touch. I have come to rely on you so very much. It seems no matter how down I am, your posts always put a smile on my face, and that's hard to do these days.

    Bert will be green with envy for you. He too was in the Navy several years ago, but he's a "land lubber" now....ah, but the stories he could tell. I'm sure you've got plenty of your own.

    Happy, Happy Holidays, Sponge...and don't forget us.

  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    unknown said:

    Congrats!!!!! Please stay in touch. I have come to rely on you so very much. It seems no matter how down I am, your posts always put a smile on my face, and that's hard to do these days.

    Bert will be green with envy for you. He too was in the Navy several years ago, but he's a "land lubber" now....ah, but the stories he could tell. I'm sure you've got plenty of your own.

    Happy, Happy Holidays, Sponge...and don't forget us.



    Thanks so much for all of your kind words! I'm not pulling chocks until March, but things will be getting hectic for me shortly after the New Year.

    BTW, Vincent - Don't worry, you guys have all seen my "soft" side here. After 10 years as an enlisted man and 23 years in the service, I can be a real SOB whenever I deem it appropriate to flip on the switch!

    Monika, Asp & Pattie - Your objections are noted for the log. I'll still be connected! And I'll send you all virtual post cards from the exotic ports of call I visit...

    Stacy & LisaRose - Looking forward to that road trip - You know, the Mardi Gras in Mobile, Alabama (40 minutes from me in Pascagoula, MS) is said to rival New Orleans'! Wanna get some beads?!?!?

    Oly - Just remember free verse isn't allowed on New Year's Eve; it must be in Iambic Pentameter!

    You guys all rock!

    - SBSP
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    spongebob said:


    Thanks so much for all of your kind words! I'm not pulling chocks until March, but things will be getting hectic for me shortly after the New Year.

    BTW, Vincent - Don't worry, you guys have all seen my "soft" side here. After 10 years as an enlisted man and 23 years in the service, I can be a real SOB whenever I deem it appropriate to flip on the switch!

    Monika, Asp & Pattie - Your objections are noted for the log. I'll still be connected! And I'll send you all virtual post cards from the exotic ports of call I visit...

    Stacy & LisaRose - Looking forward to that road trip - You know, the Mardi Gras in Mobile, Alabama (40 minutes from me in Pascagoula, MS) is said to rival New Orleans'! Wanna get some beads?!?!?

    Oly - Just remember free verse isn't allowed on New Year's Eve; it must be in Iambic Pentameter!

    You guys all rock!

    - SBSP

    Well shipping out or not, the military must have satelitte internet or will your location be top secret? If you do not keep in touch I may just eat that gol darn twinkie! and you know that will be under enemy torture only. Terrorrist Twinkies was a plot years ago to kill off populations slowly by hidden toxic waste.

    Asp--you made me ROFLMAO!! :-)

    love you SB! and congrats on the rung up the ladder.

    peace, em the alternative radical "give peas a chance"
  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    2bhealed said:

    Well shipping out or not, the military must have satelitte internet or will your location be top secret? If you do not keep in touch I may just eat that gol darn twinkie! and you know that will be under enemy torture only. Terrorrist Twinkies was a plot years ago to kill off populations slowly by hidden toxic waste.

    Asp--you made me ROFLMAO!! :-)

    love you SB! and congrats on the rung up the ladder.

    peace, em the alternative radical "give peas a chance"

    "Give peas a chance"?

    That's ORGANIC peas right? Now who's ROFLMAO?
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    spongebob said:

    "Give peas a chance"?

    That's ORGANIC peas right? Now who's ROFLMAO?

  • aspaysia
    aspaysia Member Posts: 250

    You are SO selfish! Really, though, have a safe trip, and usually when I'm bored, it leads to road trips...Lisa Rose & I will pick up the convertible and perhaps cross your path...

    never say never...


    Hey, Stacy, got room for one more? I drove 16 hour straight from NC to New Orleans with a friend some years back. I spent the new several days trying to keep my head out of the gutter. And it wasn't even Mardi Gras. I remember touring the Voodoo Museum and having my fortune told by some mysterious dude from Martinique. He told me to ditch the guy and take B vitamins.