Cinnamon and spice

hummingbyrd Member Posts: 950 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
This doesn't directly pertain to us, but thought it was interesting news.
Studies show 1/4 tsp of cinnamon a day will decrease the blood sugar level, fats and cholesterol by 30% in non-insulin dependent diabetics in just 40 days. Report did not mention insulin dependent diabetics. See your doctor before altering diet.
Email me if you want references.
Now, that I've made my disclaimer...on to my reason for posting this information.
I found with one try numerous sites speaking out for a cure for diabetes, and as Diabetics United stated, "insulin is not a cure". Apparently, they are being heard as evidenced by the news on cinnamon.
Jose, who is our advocate?
The ACS is supposed to be fighting for me, for a cure. The focus of research is still chemotherapy and radiation, poisen and burn, medievil by any standards. It's time to really look for a cure.
It's time to DEFEAT CANCER...
Demand Equal Funding Exploring Alternative Therapy
Ladies, I say it's time we united and spoke out with one voice.


  • maggs
    maggs Member Posts: 164
    Yeah!!! I like the sound of it! DEFEAT cancer! Who is our personal advocate? We do need to be organized! Thanks, Hummingbyrd.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member

    I'm with you! Do I see a revolution brewing? I am always curious how much money Cancer Fund Raising businesses use towards "alternative" or complementary treatments. They raise millions yes? For what? To fill the pockets of the pharmacuetical monopolies? Because ultimately the majority of studies that one hears about are all about drugs drugs drugs. Really where does it go? And the ones who try to think outside the box are either run out of town (research Dr. Kelley) or are blacklisted (Royal Rife) by the establishment when the implications of a cancer cure is fully understood. The system would collapse. Can you wrap your mind around that one? COLLAPSE.

    My husband is diabetic. He was told to eat sugar if he has a hypoglycemic episode. He was told that he could still eat his pie, prime rib, yada yada yada. Keep him sick until he becomes insulin dependent! Get him on drugs. Well, we chose a different route. No sugar, low carbs, no pie, no prime rib, fresh veggies, whole grains and exercise. Aryuvedic herbs for glucose control. His sugar is now in the 90's. Normal. His doctor was amazed that he did this in a month.

    the medical establishment sells us short when they think we won't change our lifestyle or our diet...that there are cures out there.

    I'm with you's time for a change and our voices need to be heard.

    peace, emily
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    2bhealed said:


    I'm with you! Do I see a revolution brewing? I am always curious how much money Cancer Fund Raising businesses use towards "alternative" or complementary treatments. They raise millions yes? For what? To fill the pockets of the pharmacuetical monopolies? Because ultimately the majority of studies that one hears about are all about drugs drugs drugs. Really where does it go? And the ones who try to think outside the box are either run out of town (research Dr. Kelley) or are blacklisted (Royal Rife) by the establishment when the implications of a cancer cure is fully understood. The system would collapse. Can you wrap your mind around that one? COLLAPSE.

    My husband is diabetic. He was told to eat sugar if he has a hypoglycemic episode. He was told that he could still eat his pie, prime rib, yada yada yada. Keep him sick until he becomes insulin dependent! Get him on drugs. Well, we chose a different route. No sugar, low carbs, no pie, no prime rib, fresh veggies, whole grains and exercise. Aryuvedic herbs for glucose control. His sugar is now in the 90's. Normal. His doctor was amazed that he did this in a month.

    the medical establishment sells us short when they think we won't change our lifestyle or our diet...that there are cures out there.

    I'm with you's time for a change and our voices need to be heard.

    peace, emily

    P.S. I am hypoglycemic and the LAST thing you do is eat sugar!! My doctor took me off sugar 21 years ago. To end a hypo attack eat almonds instead. They are a blood sugar regulator.

    peace, em
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