chemo side effects

sheree1024 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Has anyone experienced foot problems i.e., tender or numb toes, sore areas on bottom of the foot, brittle toenails? Just wondering if it's the chemo or something else.


  • Sandis
    Sandis Member Posts: 85
    I have experienced numbness (like foot is falling asleep) from taxol. They call it perepheral neuropathy. Sometimes it goes away, but I think it doesn't always. Mind is not debilitating but it bothers me on long car or airplane trips or if I sit too long. Hope yours gets better. Sandi
  • DeeNY711
    DeeNY711 Member Posts: 476 Member
    Taxotere can cause same problems, also. You can find previous postings on either by typing the word TAXOL or the word TAXOTERE into the search box at the top of the page. My last treatment with taxotere was on August 6 and toenails of both great toes have split nearly across over halfway down. Looks like it is going to take a long while to resolve.
  • llk97
    llk97 Member Posts: 3
    I was on taxol and herceptin almost 2yrs ago--numbness and tingling did go away but it took almost a yr-but everybody is different. I found that taking a bath in "baththerapy" from Wal-mart helped at times, and anything with Emu oil or Aleo Vera helps too.Be sure and let your Dr. know how much pain it is causing. Good Luck.
  • Snookums
    Snookums Member Posts: 148 Member
    Oh YES! It is chemo and try vitamin e oil (I got it at Walgreens or Eckerds) and rubbed it on in the am and at night. It helped the peeling I got to experience. My nails turned blueish and were very sensitive and still after 5 months are still a little dead and brittle at the top 1/4. It will get better I promise. Good Luck and stay strong. Our prayers are with you- C
  • kelli63
    kelli63 Member Posts: 84
    Dear Sheree:

    Yes I had neuropathy in my feet durting my chemo you just have to keep the circulation at all times that mean massages, heat treatments and lotion all the time. It eventually will subside. are you a diabetic. Keep a close eye on it.

  • grannyjayne
    grannyjayne Member Posts: 9
    Hi Sheree,
    From what I had heard, and experienced, this is a common side effect.
    I am a diabetic so it was difficult to determine if this was from the chemo or a type of diabetic neuropathy.
    I was having strange sensations in my feet and lower legs. It didn't quite hurt, or itch, but was very uncomfortable deep in the tissues near the bone. It turned out that it was a reaction to the Benadryl which I had to take the night before and in the pre-meds. A nurse told me they called it "restless foot syndrome". When the dose was lowered, it went away.
    I also had brittle nails even though they grew fast. (This is also a diabetic symptom). Sometimes, we overlook simple things and worry about them. Keep asking your doctor about anything .... and everything you have concerns about.
  • jkaraer
    jkaraer Member Posts: 3
    yes, numb toes, my big toenail got a fungus, and my twins toenails and fingernails all turned brown. His fingertips were extremely tender, raw and peeled
  • Stellamary
    Stellamary Member Posts: 8
    kelli63 said:

    Dear Sheree:

    Yes I had neuropathy in my feet durting my chemo you just have to keep the circulation at all times that mean massages, heat treatments and lotion all the time. It eventually will subside. are you a diabetic. Keep a close eye on it.


    Stellamary: what type of massages? Do you mean a foot massage that you by from department stores. I put a heating pad on my feet with afghan over them; what kinf of lotion?