I'm Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bebe1976 Member Posts: 60
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hey Girls,
I'm back...sorry I've been away so long, I an happy to report I am in remission and just needed a break from all the cancer related things in my life. I've been in remission now for a year and am feeling great. My last biopsy was in Feb of this year, but it was clear thank God!!!!!!!!. I have gone back to law school and am just in the brink of getting my degree in May. I also met a very special man and will be getting married next August. Also I am involved as a volunteer at my cancer center, it is a really great experience. I hope all you gals are doing great. You have all been in my prayers this whole time. Hope to hear from you and if you can bring me up to speed. Oh, if I can be of help to anyone, please let me know.
Love Always,


  • TylersMom1
    TylersMom1 Member Posts: 57
    Hi Jenn,

    Congratulations on your remission!! Also congratulations on your upcoming graduation and wedding. Life is good!!

    God bless...Cheryl
  • DeeNY711
    DeeNY711 Member Posts: 476 Member
    Thank you so much for letting us know things are going beautifully for you! Congratulations!!
  • jake10
    jake10 Member Posts: 202
    Welcome back!Great news about the remission. congrats on the marriage and the law degree. god Bless. Beth
  • marytres
    marytres Member Posts: 144
    Hi Jenn, welcome back and congrats on all your good news. Best of luck to you and visit us sometimes. OUr prayers are always with you too. Hugs, Marie