
KPmom Member Posts: 6
edited March 2014 in Bone Cancers #1
Has anyone out there had a baby after surviving Bone cancer? If so, how long did you have to wait?


  • cvillegas
    cvillegas Member Posts: 5
    You should talk to your doctor about this. My husband and I have asked alot of questions about this topic. I have been told that it is possible to get pregnant almost immediately after you finish chemo. (assuming you are still fertile) Most Docs have recommended that we wait 6 months to a year to get my body functioning properly. I have met a woman online who got pregnant the month after she finished chemo for bone cancer. The baby was fine. Feel free to email me at if you want to talk. I am 27.
  • Hickster
    Hickster Member Posts: 3
    I noticed you posted this many months ago but thought I would answer anyway. Yes, I had 2 healthy babies after treatment for bone cancer. Of course, the first one was about 8 years later. I believe as long as you are currently healthy you should be fine but definitely talk to your doctor first.
  • Irina_34
    Irina_34 Member Posts: 1
    Hickster said:

    I noticed you posted this many months ago but thought I would answer anyway. Yes, I had 2 healthy babies after treatment for bone cancer. Of course, the first one was about 8 years later. I believe as long as you are currently healthy you should be fine but definitely talk to your doctor first.

    I noticed your reply and was wondering what type of bone cancer did you have?
  • dunn1104
    dunn1104 Member Posts: 3
    I had osteoscaroma back in 1993 and was sent to the sperm bank to make a deposit if I wanted to have kids some day. A friend I met at the hospital had a health baby about 1 1/2 years after chemo and was also told she probally could not. I got married in 1997 and in 1998 had a baby girl and another girl in 1999. I did not need what was stored in the bank. So there is alot of things that can be done and you never know everything could be just fine. Keep trying when doc gives the ok. :)
  • KPmom
    KPmom Member Posts: 6
    Irina_34 said:

    I noticed your reply and was wondering what type of bone cancer did you have?

    To be honest, they were never able to figure it out exactly (and I saw everyone from Dana Farber/Mass General and Sloan Kettering). They just knew that it was a malignant tumor in my tibia bone. No chemo was done or radiation. Just the surgery. That was in April 2003 and so far so good.