I must start taking Megace!

Please someone help me! I must start taking Megace for my recurring low grade uterine stromal sarcoma!

I have heard horrific stories about side effects of this drug! Has anyone out there taken this??

Let me know how you did, OK?




  • lchurt
    lchurt Member Posts: 2

    Don't panic! Not everyone has bad reactions to Megace. It has proven very successful in fighting recurrant tumors. I too have ESS, I am not on Megace, but I know many who are. If you have problems, there are other drugs you can take that work equally well. Not to take away from this group, but there is a support group for women with endometrial stromal sarcoma. About 75 women are registered and are there to support, give advice and share stories. The differance is, we all have some form of ESS. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Endometrialstromalsarcoma/
    Don't despair, you have many options.
  • lnellgal
    lnellgal Member Posts: 1
    How did you do on Megace. I have been on it for three months. I was convinced I was having a complete nervous breakdown. My mom died during this time. I have been so weak and shaky that I am not really functional. It has been the worst feeling. I am going to try an alternate progestin therapy. I'm eating like a crazy person, but knew that would be a side effect. I am totally surprised by these others. Please elaborate on your experience with these drugs.

