First Chemo/Summer Vacation

KathyinVA Member Posts: 6
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I will be starting chemotherapy in June(either 4 cycles of AC or 6 of CMF). I was very nervous about chemo a month ago when I first posted to this board! Now thanks to all the support I've gotten here I feel like it will be quite manageable. Today I even got to thinking about planning a vacation trip or two. Did you feel up to traveling during treatment? Would love to take our usual trip to Outerbanks, NC, but it is 5 hours away. Is it best to plan on staying close to home during treatment?


  • prayerangel
    prayerangel Member Posts: 147
    I didn't want to travel far away from home at all. I had a very good feeling that my bed was there anytime I needed it. I cancelled trips actually. I would get through a couple of treatments before I planned any trips. Just see how your body reacts.
  • DeeNY711
    DeeNY711 Member Posts: 476 Member
    I finished four cycles of Adriamycin/Cytoxan last week. The cycles were 3 weeks apart, and I would have been fine traveling during the last two weeks of each cycle. That first week can be a little unpredictable, and I, too, just rested quietly whenever necessary. Taxotere is my next stop, also every 3 weeks. Then onto radiation. I was considering the idea of topping it all off with a fabulous trip, and would have liked to do the Alaskan cruise.....the BIG one, 3 weeks long. However, treatments end during winter.
  • banker
    banker Member Posts: 317 Member
    Hi Kathy,I planned vacation around chemo with doctors help. First week right after chemo was not good, second week I was fine, then I got chemo again (twice a month) I did venture out and kept my doctors phone number with me. He incourraged me to live as normal a life as possible. If you feel up to it and your doctor agrees, go ahead and have a good time. Hope this helps. Emmi
  • Unknown
    Make sure you talk to your Dr. I'd also wait and see how your white blood cell counts are. They drop from day 7 to 14 in a cycle. But with summer, hopefully you won't be exposed to as much. You definitely need to enjoy some things because life keeps going on! Good attitude for you!! Good Luck!
  • jamjar62
    jamjar62 Member Posts: 135
    Hi Kathy, whether you will feel like traveling will probably have alot to do with which drugs you end up taking. The CMF is much less debilitating but please don't let that determine your decision. I finished my last chemo TODAY! and I traveled several times during my treatment cycle. I went to the beach during spring break (2.5 hrs away) and then to a 3 day antique fair (lots of walking) and then to my parent's house for Easter (5 hrs away). I made sure all of these trips were taken during the second or third week after my treatment. My friend travelled to Las Vegas 10 days after her first cycle of AC. She stuffed her nose with vaseline for the plane ride to keep out germs! Her hair began to fall out while she was there so she and her pals shaved her head (she had brought her wig along just in case). I would definitely talk to your oncologist about it but I found that keeping life as normal as possible was very therapeutic. The less you resent the cancer/treatment, the less you let it infringe on your life, the easier and faster it will go. At least that was my experience. And I know one woman who posts on this board played hockey through her treatment! Next to that, what could a trip to the Outer Banks hurt, right? At least you won't have to worry about someone knocking your teeth out!

    Good luck as you begin this journey to complete health! God bless,

  • inkblot
    inkblot Member Posts: 698 Member
    Hello Kathy:

    I think that you'll better know how you feel about traveling, about 2 weeks after your first treatment. So many of us feel fine after that first week, post treatment. It's amazing, really. Some, however, experience a sharp drop in blood counts and that would necessitate more care and precautionary measures on your part. If you're experiencing no problems and your doctor agrees, by all means, you should maintain whatever level of activity/trips and socializing you feel up to. Your body will tell you when it's too much.

    I'm not sure about the CMF but with the Adriamycin, in particular, one must be very careful about sun exposure. Nothing that a big hat and the proper clothing won't take care of though. My chemo was A/C and during the summer months (bonus: it's great not to have to shave the legs!) I found that I could be outside for longer periods during the day, by wearing the gauze type, longer sleeved, loose fitting tops (cool and comfy) with long, loose fitting pants and slathering sun block on any exposed skin...mostly hands and feet. Too, there's almost always a shady spot to hang out in. I even continued my love of gardening...with a few modifications. I grew veggies in pots. I'd do the watering, etc., later in the day when my husband and son would move them into the shade for me. I even grew cucumbers in pots and they honestly never tasted so good! I never traveled more than 3 hours from home though. Just my particular comfort level. Where there's a will there's a way!

    Do watch out for cuts and scrapes which may not heal as well and can expose you to unnecessary infection. A little extra TLC and common sense is all that's needed in that department. Your doc should be able to answer any questions you may have and give you excellent guidance.

    Wising you the best of luck!

    Love, light and laughter,
  • rainyday
    rainyday Member Posts: 49
    We have a vacation trip planned during my third chemo session. Its already paid for and non-refundable and we can't change the dates because the cottage is fully booked. So... because it will fall during the middle of a first week after chemo we are going to bring the third chemo session forward by a few days, assuming that blood counts are all strong, so that I will be starting my second week when I go on vacation. There are not a lot of people about and the cottage is on the ocean so chances are I won't be exposed to much. My sons are really counting the days so I would feel terrible if they can't go (and no, they won't go and leave me here). Just takes a little planning with you and your medical team. Don't let a little chemo get in the way of your life. Best Wishes for your first treatment. Let us know how it goes and listen to everyone's advice. Most of these ladies have already been there and done that!!!!
  • sandytrif525
    sandytrif525 Member Posts: 106
    rainyday said:

    We have a vacation trip planned during my third chemo session. Its already paid for and non-refundable and we can't change the dates because the cottage is fully booked. So... because it will fall during the middle of a first week after chemo we are going to bring the third chemo session forward by a few days, assuming that blood counts are all strong, so that I will be starting my second week when I go on vacation. There are not a lot of people about and the cottage is on the ocean so chances are I won't be exposed to much. My sons are really counting the days so I would feel terrible if they can't go (and no, they won't go and leave me here). Just takes a little planning with you and your medical team. Don't let a little chemo get in the way of your life. Best Wishes for your first treatment. Let us know how it goes and listen to everyone's advice. Most of these ladies have already been there and done that!!!!

    Hi I agree with the others see how you feel and go from there. During the A/C I don't know how I would have felt. I was also on 5FU and did go on a vacation after one of the treatments. That was 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. We only went a little while away. It was nice to get out. It was also nearing my last treatment. Good Luck. Will be praying for you. Sandy
  • ksfc
    ksfc Member Posts: 251
    My family and I took a long weekend trip after my 3rd chemo and it was one of the best things I did.
    It was so nice to do something besides go to doctors and hospitals. We didn't do anything very active, just relaxed, ate out, etc.
    If you feel like you can manage it, I say go for it. If you do AC, the week right before your next treatment will be the best. Good luck! Diane
  • KathyinVA
    KathyinVA Member Posts: 6
    Thank you all for responding. I think I was being a little too ambitious with planning a trip to the Outerbanks (long drive and lots of sun exposure -- I saw onc on Friday and final decision on treatment is CAF for me). Will get a tour book and see what I can find closer to home. I like the idea of the veggie garden in the pots, Ink. Will give that a try. I especially like Dee's idea of an Alaskan cruise at the end of treatment. We took one a couple of years ago and had a wonderful time! Thinking about something like that may help get me through the next few months:)
  • bullfrog13
    bullfrog13 Member Posts: 213
    Dear KathyinVA, I hate to admit it but I did plan my life around my chemo. Guess to point I we all sort of do. You just do what you feel up to doing and dont push yourself. This summer Im taking that trip on the grand canyon tour- the one I didnt get to take LAST year!
    much love.
  • MicheleD
    MicheleD Member Posts: 3
    I just had my first RX and am set to go for the next one in a day or two. I felt really great after my first one. I went to the gym the next day and lifted 19,000 pounds (not all at once of course) and still felt like I could do more. The lifting did however effect my arm (where 18 lymph nodes had been removed just the month before)so I decided not to try that again for a while.
    I do what I can to keep up with my daily routine and I find it is an up and down experience. I would not really want to plan a vacation right now because it would not be as enjoyable for me at this time. However, that does not mean that I do not take little trips. A drive in the car to a place that gets my mind off things is really nice. I hope to plan more of those this summer. Like you, this is not the way I would have choosen to spend my summer, but like you I will get through this.