
BenBon Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Caregivers #1
Hi. I am new to this group. I have cancer and would like to know something about how each of you are dealing with your parent's canceer.


  • zulma
    zulma Member Posts: 8
    hi, benbon, I am new to this group also. my mother has recently been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and learning the news was shocking. this illness, however terrifying it may be, has made me realize how precious life is. most importantly, my love and appreciation for my mother has grown in very deep ways because through her strength, hope, and courage I have learned more about myself as a woman. together we are learning to take one day at a time and to immensely appreaciate every moment we spend together. somedays i feel overwhelmed about her being in pain, about finances, and about the possibility of loosing her. but she is so strong and so determined to fight the fight that i am hopeful. my strength comes from her desire to live. we are hopeful and we have each other today, that's all it matters at this point. my thoughts are with you and your family.
  • als26
    als26 Member Posts: 46 Member
    I feel as if I wrote Zulma's response... My mother also has Ovarian Cancer. I too worry about her daily and hope for her survival.. I too worry about her finances, making sure that she can manage while out of work. Please don't think that you'll be a burden to your children. Families are "families" because we support one another in good times and in bad. Your Child or Children will be able to get through this just like you will.. There will be good days and bad days. Stay strong! Take Care.
  • DBacks
    DBacks Member Posts: 1
    I'm new, too. Actually, my dad had prostate cancer and had surgery 5 years ago. Everything was going fine, till his check-up Friday. They found evidence that it's coming back. How am I coping? With a lot of tears and a lot of help from my friends. My dad must be on more prayer lists than the Pope. By sharing what's going on with my friends, I have found a lot of support and some suggestions on making it easier.
  • mummafoles
    mummafoles Member Posts: 1
    I am new to this group, but not new to cancer. My mom was diagnosed 5 years ago with uterine cancer, it went into remission for 4 years. On Sept 15, 2001 the doctors found a tumor on a lymphnoid near her stomach and the cancer has since moved to her colon. After chemo, radition and everything under the sun, she is still here and is still fighting. I believe her positive attitude and strong will have helped her and our family. We ALL have bad days, and have found it important to share our feelings with one another. Crying if need be, but most importantly, not a day goes by without me telling her how much I love her. Having friends and relatives who can hug you, listen and just be there for you is extremely important. I am sorry about your news, but be strong, pray and hold your family close. I will be thinking of you.
  • kenijo
    kenijo Member Posts: 1
    no matter how old u are or how mature u think u are, nothing makes u feel more like a child then finding out your parent is ill. how do i cope?? i have my good days and bad. i depend on GOD a great deal. i couldn't do it without HIM. i take each day as it comes, just like my mom