Survivors who are now cargivers

rosie43539 Member Posts: 55
edited March 2014 in Caregivers #1
I am a 2 1/2 year durvivor of ovarian cancer. My husband is currently battling Stage IV Renal Cell Cancer. I would like to talk to others who have been double slammed.


  • banjo
    banjo Member Posts: 4
    Hi Rosie,
    WHile not a survivor myself, I am a caregiver now dealing with my husbands third cancer, lung, which has spread to his brain. Fortunately the two previous ones we beat, small bowel lymphoma and prostate cancer. He is taking chemo and has two more treatments and then he'll be watched. He finished 15 consecutive days of radiation for the brain lesions and that seemingly worked. HOORAH!!! And the chemo seems to be working as lung lesions have shrunk. I don't know what to tell you other then gather ALL around you for hugs, prayers and positive thoughts.
    I am in a different type support group (email type) and my hubby received over a 100 cards from these members and I can't tell you what a positive that was for him.......and me!
    Lean on anyone and everyone you can......this disease can be beat!!!
    Positive hugs headed your way!
  • summory
    summory Member Posts: 1
    Dearest Rosie,
    I had emergency surgery for stage three colon cancer March 6, 2002. April 2, 2002 my only child was diagnosed with leukemia. January 18, 2003 my husband died of prostate cancer but was supposed to survive. I am now left alone, sick and no income on top of everything else. With no family to turn to and friends that have moved on with their lives I know the feeling of being overwhelmed. I am simply to the place where I must focus on what I can do and let go of as much of the rest as I possibly can. It varies from day to day and moment to moment. Sometimes I feel like both of my legs have been amputated and I need to figure out how I am suppose to get around. Sometimes I am numb and at other times the pain is just too much and it makes me wish the cancer would just go ahead and consume me. I don't share this with my son who has leukemia. I try to be strong and keep it together whenever he is around. He will be 27 in May. He has had to give up his job as a manager of Radio Shack and is trying to survive on disability and medicade. He is not doing very well at this time. I think with his illness, my illness and the death of his dad it is just too much for him. I hope you have a good support network and are surrounded by lots of love. I know how challanging it is for you and I send you warm thoughts and prayers. Summer