Anyone On Alt Meds?

sevey Member Posts: 184
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hey Ladies,
I am no longer allowed to take conventional meds. So I am now on alt meds, and wanted to know if anyone else is taking them. It has really been helping me physically.....Am feeling alot better. Was quite sick for a while....Gotta alot of emailing to Anyway, I wanted to know for a very good reason....Please email me through this site and let me know.
May God Bless You All
Love Cathy


  • ktinkey
    ktinkey Member Posts: 170 Member
    Hi Cathy,

    What kind of alternative meds are we talking about? I have always been a firm believer in alternative methods. When I was diagnosed with Stage IV BC 4 years ago, I started taking apricot seeds and B17. I went into remission very quickly. Now, the FDA has dried up my source for these items. I bought up extra seeds when I knew they were about to do that and saved them. This past December, the cancer tried growing again and I started taking coral calcium and the last of my apricot seeds. I will be out soon and need to find a new source. I am also on Femara now, to please my oncologist. I believe the natural way is the best for me. I have never taken chemo, but I will not rule it out completely, but the oncologist will really have to sell me hard for me to consider it. I am not a health freak, but I do explore other options. I am also a very strong Christian and believe God is my first line of defense. I hope I haven't rambled on too much and that this little bit of info helps you. I know you have been through a very rough time recently.

    God Bless,
  • FresnoD
    FresnoD Member Posts: 12
    I am not taking alternative medicines at this time but a friend of my brothers passed on some information about alternative treatments he is trying with his wife. She doesn't have BC but I think they may help. Here is a web site he sent.

    In addition, here is some info. he sent in an email.

    If you like curry (Indian cuisine), eat as
    much as you want: some of the compounds in turmeric (found in curry powder
    and yellow mustard) actually destroy Myeloma (cancer of the bone marrow)
    cells. Straight turmeric can be purchased from the spice section in most

    If you go to the health food store, it is likely that you will be able
    to purchase Raw Apricot Kernels (shelled apricot pits)in half-pound bags.
    Roast these for 20 minutes at 225-250 degrees. These contain amygdalin
    (almost the same as laetrile). No, it is not poisonous as some disclaimer on
    the label may suggest. To say that the cyanate in amygdalin is a poison is
    the same as saying that the chlorine in table salt is poisonous. 10 to 15 kernels a day. More won't hurt. The
    cyanate portion of the amygdalin is released ONLY when an enzyme found in
    CANCEROUS cells RELEASES it, and it THEN attacks the cell.

    Cherimoya seeds: r buy a cherimoya, seed it, and air-dry the seeds
    for a few days. Grind the seeds in a high-speed rotary coffee mill and take half to one teaspoon
    a day. Kills stomach cancer, possibly others.

    I ended up grinding up the apricot pits and the cherimoya seeds and putting them into
    capsules:I also take daily now for prevention 1 each capsule. If you
    want to go this route, you can buy a 'CAP-M-QUIK' jig and empty gelatin
    capsules at the health food store.

    Also, cancer cells do not thrive in an alkaline environment. I also gave my wife
    2000 mg per day of Potassium Chloride (this works out to about 1000 mg
    of potassium), 3x tabs Citrical plus Magnesium per day, and a Magnesium
    supplement which provides an additional 400-500 mg per day of Magnesium.

    ALL these are best taken WITH food!!!! If she takes Potassium Chloride on
    an empty stomach, it will hurt.

    Best place to get the Citrical, Magnesium, is WalMart.
    If you try to get 1000 mg per day of potassium by taking the Potassium
    Gluconate (offered in the stores), you may end up embarassing yourself: it
    has an ADVERSE effect in the lower Gastro-intestinal: in other words, it'll
    give you diarrhea.
    If the doctor
    prescribes potassium chloride, they
    will rip you: 10 bucks for 10 cents worth of K-salt in capsules.

    The presence of cancer thickens the blood: if you are not currently on
    blood thinner (to prevent a stroke), you should go to the Wal Mart and
    purchase L-arginine, and take double the recommended dose. The
    citrate-portion of the citrical will help keep things flowing as well. Flax
    oil (in capsules or as straight oil) helps blood to flow well: have you seen
    the commercials for 'PLAVIX' ? Flax oil does the same job for cheaper, and
    without all the ridiculous side effects. Best place to get the flax oil is
    Trader Joes. My wife took all these WHILE on blood thinner, and it did not
    complicate matters...

    Hope this helps.
  • sevey
    sevey Member Posts: 184
    FresnoD said:

    I am not taking alternative medicines at this time but a friend of my brothers passed on some information about alternative treatments he is trying with his wife. She doesn't have BC but I think they may help. Here is a web site he sent.

    In addition, here is some info. he sent in an email.

    If you like curry (Indian cuisine), eat as
    much as you want: some of the compounds in turmeric (found in curry powder
    and yellow mustard) actually destroy Myeloma (cancer of the bone marrow)
    cells. Straight turmeric can be purchased from the spice section in most

    If you go to the health food store, it is likely that you will be able
    to purchase Raw Apricot Kernels (shelled apricot pits)in half-pound bags.
    Roast these for 20 minutes at 225-250 degrees. These contain amygdalin
    (almost the same as laetrile). No, it is not poisonous as some disclaimer on
    the label may suggest. To say that the cyanate in amygdalin is a poison is
    the same as saying that the chlorine in table salt is poisonous. 10 to 15 kernels a day. More won't hurt. The
    cyanate portion of the amygdalin is released ONLY when an enzyme found in
    CANCEROUS cells RELEASES it, and it THEN attacks the cell.

    Cherimoya seeds: r buy a cherimoya, seed it, and air-dry the seeds
    for a few days. Grind the seeds in a high-speed rotary coffee mill and take half to one teaspoon
    a day. Kills stomach cancer, possibly others.

    I ended up grinding up the apricot pits and the cherimoya seeds and putting them into
    capsules:I also take daily now for prevention 1 each capsule. If you
    want to go this route, you can buy a 'CAP-M-QUIK' jig and empty gelatin
    capsules at the health food store.

    Also, cancer cells do not thrive in an alkaline environment. I also gave my wife
    2000 mg per day of Potassium Chloride (this works out to about 1000 mg
    of potassium), 3x tabs Citrical plus Magnesium per day, and a Magnesium
    supplement which provides an additional 400-500 mg per day of Magnesium.

    ALL these are best taken WITH food!!!! If she takes Potassium Chloride on
    an empty stomach, it will hurt.

    Best place to get the Citrical, Magnesium, is WalMart.
    If you try to get 1000 mg per day of potassium by taking the Potassium
    Gluconate (offered in the stores), you may end up embarassing yourself: it
    has an ADVERSE effect in the lower Gastro-intestinal: in other words, it'll
    give you diarrhea.
    If the doctor
    prescribes potassium chloride, they
    will rip you: 10 bucks for 10 cents worth of K-salt in capsules.

    The presence of cancer thickens the blood: if you are not currently on
    blood thinner (to prevent a stroke), you should go to the Wal Mart and
    purchase L-arginine, and take double the recommended dose. The
    citrate-portion of the citrical will help keep things flowing as well. Flax
    oil (in capsules or as straight oil) helps blood to flow well: have you seen
    the commercials for 'PLAVIX' ? Flax oil does the same job for cheaper, and
    without all the ridiculous side effects. Best place to get the flax oil is
    Trader Joes. My wife took all these WHILE on blood thinner, and it did not
    complicate matters...

    Hope this helps.

    You have given some of what I already know and a whole lot I did'nt.....So would you please get in touch with me through email? I won't bother you again, but I have a site created for those that are also forced to use alt. meds. and could use this imformation..... You would be helping out a whole lot of people. Not just me, but there are many who have been told conventional meds will kill them before the cancer does. I am at stage 4 in my organs....I guess what I need you to do if you would is email me so I can cut and paste it for this group. It is a small group, but growing.... I have been in the hospital quite abit lately, but I do appreciate the imfo. My email is Please if you could email me with this imformation.....You would help some of those who have been told they will die. If anyone else is intereste in this group, and NOT TO REPLACE THIS SITE AT ALL!!!!!! It is called Referrals,WWJD..... What Would Jesus Do???
    I added that in case some did not know the question or initials.....Please respond one way or another. If you are to use my actual email you give me a point of referrance for reasons, as you will go into junkmail automatically.......... Thankyou
    God Bless You
    Love Cathy
  • lubi
    lubi Member Posts: 2
    Hi Cathy,
    I wanted to let you know and everyone else on this site about an alternative therapy called Consegrity. It is an energy medicine that allows you to clear any "debris" or energy that is blocking your DNA and allows your body to heal itself WITHOUT drugs. If you are open to alternative therapies and would be interested in learning more please call me at 773-394-9681 or e-mail me at
    The website for Consegrity is