Kidney Cancer / Post Surgery
i was diagnosed with kidney cancer back in june of 2002 in july i had surgery my left kidney was removed and half of my right kidney i have been on dialysis since my right kidney has not started working yet the doctor says it may or may not the surgeon removed all of the cancer so i am alive they feel very optimistic about my recovery as far as the cancer goes now i wait for a transplant hopefully i will get one i am a 44 year old mother of 2 teenage children who is trying very hard to live a normal life which unfortunately now is impossible on a daily basis if the cancer was removed and you have a 70% percent chance the cancer was completely removed and your not on dialysis it sounds like you will make it i am scared every day so i cant tell you not to be once this happens to us it seems like we can never really be sure even if we are told to be0
I had my right kidney and a tumor, that was bigger than the kidney, removed on Jan. 19 01. I was told by my surgeon and oncologist that they were confident they got all the cancer.
I am happy to say that to date they are right. There has been no sign of any cancer for 2yrs. now.
All I can say is if you had enough faith in your dr. when you let them cut on you, don't loose that faith now.
I am a V.A. out patient and by their yard stick it takes three years of no sign of cancer before they call you a survivor.
I must say though that every time I go in for tests or exams the thought of finding it again is always a very heavy possibility on my mind. I don't think that will ever change.
I can tell you that you will never forget it happened, but you will know when you feel comfortable calling yourself a "Cancer Survivor". I think that time is different for all of us that are lucky enough to say it.
But thats the word I always use when thinking or talking about my case "Lucky".0 -
My mom had her kidney removed 20 years ago due to kidney did come back 16 years later, which is extremely rare. They stopped monitoring her after 10 years and they belive the tumor started to grow around the 11th year. All I can tell you is to take aggressive stands with your Dr.s' about follow must always be monitored on a consistent basis. I know how you are feeling as I have watched my mom and often wished it were me instead. Find out as much as you can, the more you know about your condition the better. Knowledge is power. It sounds like you have great odds and I'll pray for you. keep positive...0 -
I was dx w renal cell carcinoma on my 44th birthday in 2000. It was stage 2 w a tumor on my R kidney larger than the kidney. I had the kidney removed laproscopically nevertheless though they had to link two small incisions into a big one in the end to get it out. I healed from surgery very fast and feel great. I do have urinary difficulties now possible due to scarring from having been cathederized. I go in for checkups every 6 mos. and have had a CT scan every year. They say 5 years is when I can officially say I am a survivor. The doctor gave me a 65% survival rate. I don't worry about it except when it is that time again. Right now is that time as I go for workup on the 21st. The doctor was not going to do a CT but I insisted. Mine was discovered by a fluke (no symptoms!) during an ultrasound for something else so I don't want to wait for symptoms next time. Thanks to whoever said to stay aggresive about follow-up. I have heard of too many people getting it back w/in the first 10 years. I have blessed faith that God will take care of me no matter what so though I don't want it back, I am not that afraid most of the time. Thanks for reading, Joy0
I had a radical nephrectomy on Dec. 20, 2002. Although the Drs say they got it all I am still scared to death. I still feel very tired at times and get depressed. But I am glad that I have a second chance. I think you are going thru the natural prosses of grieving. It's a scary thing. But I look at it as being given a second chance. I go for my first check up in june and I too am a bit scared. I do see myself as a survivor even in this short period of time. Take a step back and look at life and live it. Live it to the fullest. We never know when the end will come. Whether it comes from cancer or by being hit by a bus. You just never know, but if you live everyday to the fullest then, when the time comes at least you can say you have lived. At least that's how I look at it. And how I can cope with the fear.0
I had my left kidney removed on 4/3/00. I'm still here. My first conversation about it was with God. I asked for his help. That made things a lot easier for me. I found myself in the position of having to take care of others feelings as much as my own. My mother is 83 years old and has survived cancer twice. She had cancer surgery for the first time in 1957 when cancer treatment was in it's infancy. She taught me how to survive long before I ever got cancer. You need to take care of yourself and those you love around you. Be brave and positive there are MANY people who have survived cancer and become better people in the process. Good things can come out of any tragedy. Just try and believe yourself and defy your fears. There are many of us out here who are praying and hoping for everyone facing disease, fear and death. We survivors are blessed with a new perspecive on life and the opportunities life offers. It is not so important how long we live but how we live. To live bravely and lovingly for a short time is better than just bouncing around this world endlessly. Remember that you must show those you love how much you care for them by being brave and strong. It will mean so much to them if they ever have to face the same challenge or even face your death. Love yourself, love your friends, love your enemies. Death is not as powerful as love. Pain is just information your body provides you about it's status. Accept it and do not be intimidated by it. You have a GOOD chance at living a long fruitful life and spreading value and meaning and love and courage as these words will. God does not guarantee us anything more that his love and a chance to serve him. Be brave and smile you can bring joy to those you love by your strength and courage. People love courage, it inspires them to do the things they fear. God bless you, you deserve it.0
I had my right kidney removed because of cancer and this was done in 1993. I was also afraid of my first check up after surgery but to me it was something that I must do in order for me to survive the traumatic experience. I am cancer free today and in the 2000, I had portion of my right colon removed becaus of cancer. After intense testing, I am cancer free. I do follow up with Neprology every 6 months. I am doing great and I do enjoy life. Be happy and watch what you eat and walk.
Ron0 -
Hi,my name is caty and I am new here. I had neuroblastoma when i was 13 months old and I am a survivor. My cancer has been in remission a long time and I am very thankful I am able to reach out and help others today. My doctors, family and friends have really made an impact in my life. Music has been a huge impact as well and listening to music can help you escape for a while and forget what is going on. Music is one of the things that has helped me cope with life after cancer. I had surgery a long time ago that removed one of my kidneys because that is where one of my tumors was. I offer any support I can give right now. I wish you all the best.waipahu64 said:Aloha,
I had my right kidney removed because of cancer and this was done in 1993. I was also afraid of my first check up after surgery but to me it was something that I must do in order for me to survive the traumatic experience. I am cancer free today and in the 2000, I had portion of my right colon removed becaus of cancer. After intense testing, I am cancer free. I do follow up with Neprology every 6 months. I am doing great and I do enjoy life. Be happy and watch what you eat and walk.
Ron0 -
I can really relate to ALL of the people who replied so far. I had a radical nephrectomy of the right kidney in October, 1995, just two weeks after having a total hysterectomy. The doctor took out the kidney, the encapsiated tumor (as big as a plum, hanging by a thread), a rib, and all of the surrounding lymph nodes. I get tested every year and so far have come out clean. I still have a newspaper article about a state governor who had the same symptoms, diagnosis and operation as me, who was clean for five years, and was told not to continue the check-ups. He was fully metastasized 12 years later and died. I will not allow that to happen to me, or anyone else that tells me they had cancer. Always get your yearly check-ups (in my case CT's of the lungs and liver, x-rays of the breasts, MRI), keep copies of all of your results, and don't be afraid to stand up for yourself. It's unfortunate, but my HMO changes my doctors like I change my underwear, and I must bring out my battle guns (and paperwork) with a new doctor every year. PLEASE, to be a survivor, you must do more that get through the operation. You must maintain survivorship by fighting for your rights each year.aunti said:i was diagnosed with kidney cancer back in june of 2002 in july i had surgery my left kidney was removed and half of my right kidney i have been on dialysis since my right kidney has not started working yet the doctor says it may or may not the surgeon removed all of the cancer so i am alive they feel very optimistic about my recovery as far as the cancer goes now i wait for a transplant hopefully i will get one i am a 44 year old mother of 2 teenage children who is trying very hard to live a normal life which unfortunately now is impossible on a daily basis if the cancer was removed and you have a 70% percent chance the cancer was completely removed and your not on dialysis it sounds like you will make it i am scared every day so i cant tell you not to be once this happens to us it seems like we can never really be sure even if we are told to be
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I had a radical nephrectomy on my right kidney back in July. I had been feeling so very lethargic for two years. At first it was "fibromyalgia", "allergies", etc.Then I had blood in my urine, severe pain and the emergency room doctor was very surprised when the kidney stones he thought I had turned out to be a 4" mass. My surgeon was very sure he got it all, I quote "all margins are clear". I got well pretty quickly, and only had to return to the nephrologist for a lung x-ray after 6 months. So far so good right? But then I had rectal bleeding...and wham! I had a carcinoid polyp. Now because both cancers were surgically removed I was told not to worry. So I got pretty upset and my primary care physician finally hooked me up with an oncologist. We are monitoring me closely. Up until the point I obtained an oncologist, however, I could not get my doctors to be concerned about two types of cancers within 8 months of each other. Thus far I have been blessed enough not to have had chemo or radiation, surgery has been enough and had I just had the kidney cancer I might have felt like a survivor already. I have never been told percentages like everyone else has. I was just told - we got it go on your way. I am so thankful I insisted that someone pay attention.Pay attention to your body, don't overlook anything out of the ordinary. And just like everyone else has said - insist on treatment and monitoring! d&d's mom0
I was diagnosed with Renal Cell Carcinoma 7 years ago at the age of 43. I had my left kidney removed. I am living proof kidney cancer can be beat. I too was scared until at least 1 year had past. I had regular chest xrays, ct scans, urinalysis and blood work every 3 months. I know exactly how you feel. It's hard to believe one can have such a thing and survive. Keep the faith, have regular check ups and know that there is hope for a long and prosperous life despite the cancer. Again, I am living proof one can survive kidny cancer.0
It has taken me 4 months to find you folks on the internet. How long did it take for you to recover from the surgery? I had my left kidney removed April 7th and I still can't seem to do much of anything. My insides hurt all the time. I was cut from front across my left side to almost the middle of my back. The insicion site has healed outside very well, but not internal. I swell inside after i am up and about for a couple of hours. I can't shop because I start hurting and have to sit or sometime lay down for a while. I'm almost 58 years old and was very run down due to other health problems when the cancer was found accidintely. My doctor pretty much dismissed me after 6 weeks. Did you have any of these problems?lgraham said:I was diagnosed with Renal Cell Carcinoma 7 years ago at the age of 43. I had my left kidney removed. I am living proof kidney cancer can be beat. I too was scared until at least 1 year had past. I had regular chest xrays, ct scans, urinalysis and blood work every 3 months. I know exactly how you feel. It's hard to believe one can have such a thing and survive. Keep the faith, have regular check ups and know that there is hope for a long and prosperous life despite the cancer. Again, I am living proof one can survive kidny cancer.
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my momo had the kidney removed and a rib and her pain is still pretty bad 3 weeks later. do you remember if you felt horrible for weeks after surgery? She still has far to go, chemo starts next week and there are nodes in the lungs.dosbeagles said:I can really relate to ALL of the people who replied so far. I had a radical nephrectomy of the right kidney in October, 1995, just two weeks after having a total hysterectomy. The doctor took out the kidney, the encapsiated tumor (as big as a plum, hanging by a thread), a rib, and all of the surrounding lymph nodes. I get tested every year and so far have come out clean. I still have a newspaper article about a state governor who had the same symptoms, diagnosis and operation as me, who was clean for five years, and was told not to continue the check-ups. He was fully metastasized 12 years later and died. I will not allow that to happen to me, or anyone else that tells me they had cancer. Always get your yearly check-ups (in my case CT's of the lungs and liver, x-rays of the breasts, MRI), keep copies of all of your results, and don't be afraid to stand up for yourself. It's unfortunate, but my HMO changes my doctors like I change my underwear, and I must bring out my battle guns (and paperwork) with a new doctor every year. PLEASE, to be a survivor, you must do more that get through the operation. You must maintain survivorship by fighting for your rights each year.
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Hi, I have had two sugeries in a year's time. I had my right kidney removed for Transitional Cell Carcinoma in March of 2004 and the top lobe of my lung removed for Adenomacarcinoma in January of 2005. Nodes around the lung were clear. BUT nodes (two) from the center of the body where the lung tubes Y to each lung both showed spiral cell carcinoid. A Octreotide Scan showed nothing. I am not content with the "we will follow" technique. I would like to know where this is coming from.marlyn said:I had a radical nephrectomy on my right kidney back in July. I had been feeling so very lethargic for two years. At first it was "fibromyalgia", "allergies", etc.Then I had blood in my urine, severe pain and the emergency room doctor was very surprised when the kidney stones he thought I had turned out to be a 4" mass. My surgeon was very sure he got it all, I quote "all margins are clear". I got well pretty quickly, and only had to return to the nephrologist for a lung x-ray after 6 months. So far so good right? But then I had rectal bleeding...and wham! I had a carcinoid polyp. Now because both cancers were surgically removed I was told not to worry. So I got pretty upset and my primary care physician finally hooked me up with an oncologist. We are monitoring me closely. Up until the point I obtained an oncologist, however, I could not get my doctors to be concerned about two types of cancers within 8 months of each other. Thus far I have been blessed enough not to have had chemo or radiation, surgery has been enough and had I just had the kidney cancer I might have felt like a survivor already. I have never been told percentages like everyone else has. I was just told - we got it go on your way. I am so thankful I insisted that someone pay attention.Pay attention to your body, don't overlook anything out of the ordinary. And just like everyone else has said - insist on treatment and monitoring! d&d's mom
Has anyone else had a similar experience? The information on the web makes me think it could come from numerous how does one begin to find the source before it is too late? It's already in the nodes...that means it's going on someplace....
Lotte0 -
hi, i noticed your e-mail was 2 years old and i wonder how you are doing? i also had the big surgery to remove my kidney, i am your age and it has taken me a very long time to recover. would love to hear how you are doing now!br549 said:It has taken me 4 months to find you folks on the internet. How long did it take for you to recover from the surgery? I had my left kidney removed April 7th and I still can't seem to do much of anything. My insides hurt all the time. I was cut from front across my left side to almost the middle of my back. The insicion site has healed outside very well, but not internal. I swell inside after i am up and about for a couple of hours. I can't shop because I start hurting and have to sit or sometime lay down for a while. I'm almost 58 years old and was very run down due to other health problems when the cancer was found accidintely. My doctor pretty much dismissed me after 6 weeks. Did you have any of these problems?
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hey slowhands idk if you canSlowhands said:I had my right kidney and a tumor, that was bigger than the kidney, removed on Jan. 19 01. I was told by my surgeon and oncologist that they were confident they got all the cancer.
I am happy to say that to date they are right. There has been no sign of any cancer for 2yrs. now.
All I can say is if you had enough faith in your dr. when you let them cut on you, don't loose that faith now.
I am a V.A. out patient and by their yard stick it takes three years of no sign of cancer before they call you a survivor.
I must say though that every time I go in for tests or exams the thought of finding it again is always a very heavy possibility on my mind. I don't think that will ever change.
I can tell you that you will never forget it happened, but you will know when you feel comfortable calling yourself a "Cancer Survivor". I think that time is different for all of us that are lucky enough to say it.
But thats the word I always use when thinking or talking about my case "Lucky".
hey slowhands idk if you can help me but i wantt to know more about what happned about your kindney and your tumor please!!! if its not too late because i saty in virginia too please reply backk
Ricky180 -
going through this now
Hi. I'm a 25 yr old male. I just went through surgery where I had half of my left kidney removed. How are you doing now after these years? Im nervous and scared. They say it has completely been removed. With a 99% chance of it never returning. I dont know what I am looking for on here, I guess just other people's life tract after it has been removed.
Any info would be great. Thanks.
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darknight said:
going through this now
Hi. I'm a 25 yr old male. I just went through surgery where I had half of my left kidney removed. How are you doing now after these years? Im nervous and scared. They say it has completely been removed. With a 99% chance of it never returning. I dont know what I am looking for on here, I guess just other people's life tract after it has been removed.
Any info would be great. Thanks.
Your reply was to an old post active about 10 years ago. You should have started a new topic. That being said losing half your kidney and a suggested 99% chance of no recurrance suggests that your tumor was fairly small (under 4 cm.) and with those small tumors the 99% chance of no recurrance is as good as it gets. At 25 years old who wouldn't be scared of having had Kidney Cancer especially at such a young age. Give us some more details about your tumor size and pathology and others should chime in with equally optomistic feelings. Mine was 10 and 1/2 years ago and I will be 70 this summer. My neighbor across the street is at 18 years and she is only 82.
Kidney Cancer caught early is most often completely cured by surgery.
Down the road watch your diet and keep your bkood pressure in check so that you do not adversey effect the remaining Kidney plus.
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Me toodarknight said:going through this now
Hi. I'm a 25 yr old male. I just went through surgery where I had half of my left kidney removed. How are you doing now after these years? Im nervous and scared. They say it has completely been removed. With a 99% chance of it never returning. I dont know what I am looking for on here, I guess just other people's life tract after it has been removed.
Any info would be great. Thanks.
Hi Darknight,
I had my whole kidney removed 6 weeks ago and I am doing ok so far. I just get a little tired in the afternoons but hopefully that will get better. How are you now?
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