Auxiliary Dissection

clp Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Having surgery 3/20 - would like to talk to someone who's been through this - regarding recovery, possiblities of lymphodema and nerve and muscle damage?


  • TylersMom1
    TylersMom1 Member Posts: 57
    Good luck with your surgery; I'm sure you will do fine. I had this surgery one week after having a centinal node biopsy (April 2002). I was pretty tired for a day or two and basically slept. I did have a bit of nausea but I think it was because of having two surgeries within a 8 day span. The hospital should give you some exercises to do to help prevent lymphodema. The important thing is to try to move your arm as much as possible. It will be uncomfortable but the sooner you get it moving the better off you will be. I had 13 nodes removed total and my underarm is still numb. The doctor said the feeling in that arm (underarm area only) will probably not come back. I have not had any mobility problems and can still do everything with that arm as I could do before the surgery. You are in my prayers...Cheryl
  • Lynn1
    Lynn1 Member Posts: 3
    Hi, I had surgery Jan 15 - modified radical mastectomy with auxiliary node dissection. 15 nodes were removed, 1 was positive. My underarm is still numb, but it doesnt feel too bad. I had some mobility problems after the 3rd week, but I got busy with the exercises that came in the booklet from my Reach to Recovery volunteer, and it cleared up completely. I did the exercises faithfully twice a day for about a month, and I now have complete range of motion. My surgery site is on the left and I am left handed, so I keep pretty loose with normal activity. I am a nurse, and I admit that I am pretty freaked out about lymphedema. I have read all of the literature about it, and I am taking all of the precautions to avoid it. I used to have my nails done, but I stopped that pre surgery, and watch out for cuts on my left side. I will be very careful about sunburn this summer, and of course I never let anyone take a blood pressure or do a needle stick on my left side. I am in the middle of chemo right now and just praying that my veins on the right side will hold out for the full course. Hang in there. I am sure all will be well with your surgery. I will keep you in my prayers.