
LADYFERGUSON Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I found out in 8/02 that I had breast cancer. Had a biopsy on 9/02 & lumpectomy on 9/02 w/nodes removed. Was then told not enough margin to start chemo. Had mastectomy on 1/27/03 w/reconstructive surgery. I had my 1st expansion on 2/11/03 with my next one scheduled for today (2/18). Can't seem to adjust to having to wear an underwire bra 24/7 creating problems w/sleep and tearing my skin and causing my underarm to swell. Also starting to have tightness in my chest (leftside) surgery side. Also the breast always feels numb. Does anyone out there have the same problem or gone thru the same thing. It's really beginning to bother me and I just want to take the bra off and throw it. Hopefully today the Dr will give me a better idea or suggestion. Any ideas out there. Help...Thanks


  • isaiah4031
    isaiah4031 Member Posts: 240
    Welcome to this site. I have not gone through what you did, but I just wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you. Keep us posted. May God bless you and keep you safe in His hands.
    Love, Jayne
  • ktinkey
    ktinkey Member Posts: 170 Member

    I did not have the same problems when I had my mastectomy, but my plastic surgeon would not allow me to wear an underwire bra, because of the complications associtated with the wire. Guess each doctor is different. I had to wear a 24 hr. Playtex bra, especially for mastectomy patients. My doctor fitted me for my first one and then I purchased them at a specialty store. I will tell you that has been 13 years ago for me. Just talk with your doctor and tell him/her everything you have been experiencing. They should be able to help. If not, we are here for you.

    Again, welcome. Ask any question, there is always someone who has gone through the same thing.

    God Bless,