After treatment woes

edited March 2014 in Caregivers #1
My mother has completed her chemotherapy, but remains completely paralyzed in the sense that she is now hypochondrical. I'm not sure what to do because it seems that everyday she thinks she has another disease: diabetes, heart disease, etc. Has anyone dealt with this and helped their parent overcome this?


  • erica259
    erica259 Member Posts: 6 Member
    My mom has recurrent Colon Cancer. The first time through was really tough on her, but we knew when chemo started that it would do it's job and " cure" her.
    However, now that it has reoccured.. its a whole new ball game. In the beginning my mom was very hesitant to do anything out side of going to the doctor. She was terribly afraid " something" would happen. As the treatments progressed and her pain stopped because the chemo shrunk the tumor in her abdomin, she began to venture out a bit. I find in order to motivate her, I talk to her about how lucky she is, the cancer sucks, we know that, but it could be worse. She could still be in pain, she could still only be able to eat baby food, the chemo might not have worked etc... She also find comfort in her faith. She is not much for going to church or anything, but she prays alot, and we all pray alot and I truly believe that has brought her peace of mind.
    Also, she goes to therapy to help deal with all the feelings of losing control over her live, the anger and of course the fear and despair.. that has helped a great deal as well.
    I hope this helps