
justinr Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Sarcoma #1
My 18 year old son Justin has Osteosarcoma. His first two chemo treatments are completed. Cistplatin and Adriamycin and Methotrexate. He is doing pretty well so far. Has 2 more months of chemo until his surgery. The doctor wants to do an above knee amputation. It is in his right leg just below his knee on the tibia. If anyone has some words of encouragement for our family or for Justin we would really love to hear it. We have strong faith that he will do really well. God bless


  • dat99
    dat99 Member Posts: 5
    This is not the same type sarcoma I had, so I can't give an oppinion on the specifics. However, I can say hang in there. People are beating cancer every day. I am a four year survivor. I also had Adriamycin as a part of my chemo and lost all of my hair. I had alot of fun with that. I grew it back when I could, but now I keep it shaved. Just remember that God loves you and there is a purpose for this horrible disease. I will be praying for you and your family. God Bless
  • popo
    popo Member Posts: 1
    My eighteen year 0ld daughter was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma about a year and a half ago. Hang in there your son is going to be fine. I want to know what hospital is he being treated, and what state are you in. please reply because I have the best to recommend you to. Bye Pat.
  • noellec
    noellec Member Posts: 2
    My mother just had her left leg amputated (mid-thigh) this past Monday. Within a week, she had gone to the doctor complaining of arthritis and expecting a knee replacement, only to find she had a horrible sarcoma wrapped around her knee. Amputation was the only option to save her life. She is not a candidate for chemo since she has avascular neucrosis (a bone disease with the bones dying in spots). Chemo and radiation would only hurt her bones more. She has been in high spirits, though we are all in shock. It is very difficult to know that you cannot have chemo and that if the cancer comes back, they can try to cut it out, but you may not make it. She will have chest x-rays for the next year to watch her lungs. We have researched that this type of sarcoma occurs in young adults and pre-teens, so it is not as common for a 51 year-old. We are hoping that she can get a nice prosthetic soon, since she is fumbling around with a large cast now. If anyone has any experience with cancer treatment that does NOT include chemo (such as amputation only, and a strictly organic diet), please share. I will keep you all in my prayers.
  • jkelley
    jkelley Member Posts: 4
    Hi my name is Jeremy and it seems Justin and i have the same diagnoses. Im 24, i have Osteosarcoma. My tumer was on the inside of my right leg at the knee. My docter also gave me the option of amputation, but i decided to go with the prosthetics instead. So i still have my leg all metal ofcourse but with alot of physical thearapy its looking just like a normal leg. I went through 4 different chemos, all the ones you mentioned plus Aphosfamite. My surgery was a great success, but its alot of hard work getting back on your feet walking again. My surgery was in June of 2002. Im walking with a cane now, but i can honostly say i dont need it i just use it for security. Tell your son the most important thing he can do is stick with all the chemo after surgery and excersize excersize excersize! God Bless!
  • pmcpr95
    pmcpr95 Member Posts: 2
    I am unsure of the current situation of your son Justin because I am new to this discussion group but I had the exact same cancer in the exact same leg and I wanted to wish him the best of luck. I would offer him my prayers and my experience. I would like to find out if there is still a need for this discussion. Please allow me to know for I think it would greatly assist me in my personal healing.
  • dafuji
    dafuji Member Posts: 2
    My father (63) had his leg amputated in March. At first when he was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor my family and I, including Dad, thought that with Chemo and Radiation he could beat this THING and he did, at the cost of his leg. Justin's amputation will make him an excellent candidate for a prostetic limb that would make him walk and look normal to the rest of the world and soon so he to will feel normal. My father on the other hand lost his leg from his thigh down, leaving him with very little to attach a prostetic limb that would make him walk normaly. Your son is 18 and has his whole life ahead of him and I know that if you show him all the love that this world can and has to offer him he would never ever want to be anywhere else. Make him know that you and his whole family would be there till the end and that he'll never feel that he's going through this alone. My God bless you and you family and give you all strength and the courage to live out your lives with great appreciation for every second that you spend as a family.
  • beautiful20
    beautiful20 Member Posts: 6
    I had osteosarcoma when I was 15. I had the exact same chemos. After a few cycles they did a limb salvage surgery. I was curious if that was ever an option for Justin? My leg and health are doing great now. I'm 4 years cancer free. I have my limits but I'm glad to be alive. I've been through it all so if you or your son ever want to talk don't hesitate to email. It's ringpopstj@hotmail.com I Justin all the best and faith is what you need to get you through this rough time but I promise there is light at the end of the tunnel. I'm living proof of that. I'm 20 and it's been a long 5 years but I made it!
  • LaMom
    LaMom Member Posts: 2
    dat99 said:

    This is not the same type sarcoma I had, so I can't give an oppinion on the specifics. However, I can say hang in there. People are beating cancer every day. I am a four year survivor. I also had Adriamycin as a part of my chemo and lost all of my hair. I had alot of fun with that. I grew it back when I could, but now I keep it shaved. Just remember that God loves you and there is a purpose for this horrible disease. I will be praying for you and your family. God Bless

    What kind of Sarcoma did you have?? My 12 yr old had Ewings.
  • osteosarcoma
    osteosarcoma Member Posts: 3

    I had osteosarcoma when I was 15. I had the exact same chemos. After a few cycles they did a limb salvage surgery. I was curious if that was ever an option for Justin? My leg and health are doing great now. I'm 4 years cancer free. I have my limits but I'm glad to be alive. I've been through it all so if you or your son ever want to talk don't hesitate to email. It's ringpopstj@hotmail.com I Justin all the best and faith is what you need to get you through this rough time but I promise there is light at the end of the tunnel. I'm living proof of that. I'm 20 and it's been a long 5 years but I made it!

    hi, iam from Mexico, my son had osteosarcoma on his left femur. he just finished chemotherapy a couple of months ago. Heis doing very well, but i am still very scared it will come back. I WOULD LOVE TO HERE FROM YU SOON.
  • jerzfam
    jerzfam Member Posts: 15
    I may have missed the boat in encouraging Justin. I'm hopeful and faithful that he made it through the treatments well. I am a bit of an anomaly, as I am 44 and had osteosarcoma in my ribs. Defying the odds, I managed to get it . I had the same treatments as Justin. They removed my 2 lower ribs, then found out they hadn't gotten all the cancer, so went back in three months later and removed part of my sternum. I had three chemos adter the first surgery and 3 after the second. It has now been 8 months since my last chemo and hallelujah! I am feeling great. It's a tough row to hoe, but the blessing on the other side are amazing. I will keep Justin in my prayers.
  • jerzfam
    jerzfam Member Posts: 15

    hi, iam from Mexico, my son had osteosarcoma on his left femur. he just finished chemotherapy a couple of months ago. Heis doing very well, but i am still very scared it will come back. I WOULD LOVE TO HERE FROM YU SOON.

    Best of luck to you and your son. I will keep you in my prayers. I am 8 months out of chemo and doing great. It is very scary and very tough to keep positive while you are going through it. Just please know there are many, many blessings that come with this disease and family support is imperative. I have faith that your son will do well, as I did. God Bless.
  • elliecoons
    elliecoons Member Posts: 1
    my name is lily. i am 13. i just had limb salvage surgery on dec. 1st. my diagnosis is osteosarcoma of the right tibia just below the knee. my doctor said he got all of the tumor and i might have a slight limp. we feel we can beat this battle. we have heard 2 survival stories of the same diagnosis at our hospital. i hope the best for you and your family. if u have any questions to email me at sweet_teen21@hotmail.com
  • wildcat9259
    wildcat9259 Member Posts: 5
    I am 12 years old and finished my treatments in September '06. I had Osteosarcoma and had the same exact chemo as your son. I have a prosthesis that's titanium and is inside my leg. Very best wishes to your family and God bless.

  • jmalone4kids
    jmalone4kids Member Posts: 4
    Hello, first I want to say I am sorry for all that you and your family are going through. I have been through it 3 times. I was diagnosed with osteosarcoma when I was 13 years old. Again at 15 and it came back to my lungs at age 18, right after I graduated high school. I had a 15% chance of survival. They amputated my right leg above the knee at 14!/2 years old. I have done so well. I can do pretty much I want to and put my mind to it. I can run and be active with my 4 children that they told me I would never have. I have 3 beautiful,healthy girls and one handsome son. God is NOT short of miracles!!!(hope no offense)If you would like to talk to me your welcome to call me at 615-216-6326. I would love to be of any help. I went to a hospital in Washington Dc at Childrens National Hospital. They specialize in osteosarcoma and have higher survival rates. I would love to talk to you.
  • sarcoma-csh
    sarcoma-csh Member Posts: 1
    jkelley said:

    Hi my name is Jeremy and it seems Justin and i have the same diagnoses. Im 24, i have Osteosarcoma. My tumer was on the inside of my right leg at the knee. My docter also gave me the option of amputation, but i decided to go with the prosthetics instead. So i still have my leg all metal ofcourse but with alot of physical thearapy its looking just like a normal leg. I went through 4 different chemos, all the ones you mentioned plus Aphosfamite. My surgery was a great success, but its alot of hard work getting back on your feet walking again. My surgery was in June of 2002. Im walking with a cane now, but i can honostly say i dont need it i just use it for security. Tell your son the most important thing he can do is stick with all the chemo after surgery and excersize excersize excersize! God Bless!

    post osteosarcoma
    im 21 years old was diagnosed at the 20. now im done with treatment i had all the chemos mentiond even aphosfamite. had put in a prosthetic on the place of tumor right now im walking with a cane just for secrity i use an AFO for my drop foot. the thing is i damaged my peroneal nerve they say it should come back does anyone know how long it might take??
  • abatchler
    abatchler Member Posts: 3 Member

    Hello, first I want to say I am sorry for all that you and your family are going through. I have been through it 3 times. I was diagnosed with osteosarcoma when I was 13 years old. Again at 15 and it came back to my lungs at age 18, right after I graduated high school. I had a 15% chance of survival. They amputated my right leg above the knee at 14!/2 years old. I have done so well. I can do pretty much I want to and put my mind to it. I can run and be active with my 4 children that they told me I would never have. I have 3 beautiful,healthy girls and one handsome son. God is NOT short of miracles!!!(hope no offense)If you would like to talk to me your welcome to call me at 615-216-6326. I would love to be of any help. I went to a hospital in Washington Dc at Childrens National Hospital. They specialize in osteosarcoma and have higher survival rates. I would love to talk to you.

    Pending Amputation


    I am surely glad that I could find someone who has gone through the same things that I have ( no pun intended) I was diagnosed with parosteal osteosarcoma when I was 20. At the time I was treated with a radical recection and was told I would be fine. Here we are five years later and the tumor reoccured and spread to the lungs. I have finished my first round of chemo and now I am do to have my amputation tomorrow and then go back on chemo and then have surgery to remove the tumors in my lungs. I dont know what to think. My biggest fear is me going through all of this and the cancer returns.

  • life_2
    life_2 Member Posts: 3
    i to had osteosacroma

    I recently became a survivor of ostersacoma im 31 it was in my left tibia,it was in stage 3 and was very aggressive but I survived, the doctors wanted to amputate just above the knee but I begged them not to so I had a new knee and a donor tibia with about 3 other surgery's still have one more to go  but I do understand what he is going through. I had a year of chemotherapy it was very hard on me and my family so all of you please stay strong  

  • connie_adcock
    connie_adcock Member Posts: 1

    My grandson was diagnoised with osteosarcoma at the age of 16, at the end of may 2013.It was in his right knee..He started his 1st round of chemo in june and in Sept he had a complete knee replacement (thank God he didnt have to have amputation!}He just finished his chemotherapy in Feb 2014. He did great thru it all. I say what got him thru was his attitude. He was strong,brave and even said "ok ,I got cancer but I am NOT gonna die or give in to it or let it ruin my life. ThIS week he had a ct of his lungs and there is a growth in the lower left lung that will be removed tomarrow and then chemo will start again in 2 weeks. I am terrified but he still has that positive attitude ! saying "well we have a set back" ! BUt it will be ok!" SO I encourage your son to stay positive,be brave and strong!! That seems to be whats getting us thru this. Prayers are with you and your family ,May God bless ya'll