Positive Attitude and Faith in God Survives

I am a 41 y/o cancer patient diagnosed June 2000 with a very aggressive type of breast cancer. I have bone metastasis to my right arm and my lower back. The only reason I am responding to this article is because I find it absolutely appalling. I am a survivor because of my positive attitude which I find through my faith in God. Whether studies show it works or not is irrelevent. If the belief of just one person keeps them alive then supporting the so called 'myth' is worth it. Any of you may find yourself or someone you love looking for something to get you through the 'treatment from hell' that we have to go through just to survive. I can tell you from experience you better have something besides the IV line, that pumps you with chemicals that nearly kill you, to keep you alive. If you are going to print an article with a negative slant you should at least counteract it with positive data. This 'battle' as you call is hard enough without someone distributing discouraging news. How dare the authors of the article consider themselves experts unless they have walked this road themselves. I am at this point in time conquering cancer through Christ!
OK, so sometimes my attitude gets a little fiesty, but its good to vent every now and then! HummB
Yes, Hummingbyrd, I saw the headline and thought "negative propaganda"! If they spread that lie, maybe there won't be as many survivors to worry about...a month ago, one headline said the survival rate was longer than they thought at first...depression and hopelessness can be fatal, too!!! Keep fighting for us; perhaps a cure is around the corner...and if heaven is, Christians look forward with joy anyway!!!0
Hi HummB:
So glad that you voiced your opinion and vented your feelings about the "impact of attitude upon survival" study.
It is my thought that unless we all are ok with just giving up our joy, happiness and fulfillment in life, following a cancer dx, then we'd do well to work at becoming forward thinking individuals! What loon would miss the important benefit of that endeavor?
For some of us, a conventional faith in God helps tremendously. For others, it's an overall depth of spirituality, which brings us strength and courage. Of course, learning all we can and taking the best physical care of ourselves is of the utmost importance. We can't do that without some positive thinking...not if we're depressed, afraid, stuck in angry mode or so fearful we can't function. It's not easy for our bodies to heal from such an onslaught of surgeries, drugs, etc., not to mention the emotional wreckage we experience. The important thing is to have "something" which sustains us through our darkest hours. Pee on their "positive is worthless" findings!
The aspect which really sets me off about these "studies" is the reference to: "how people SHOULD respond to a cancer dx"!!!!!!!
What, I ask you, is THAT all about? I personally think that any which way a person responds is appropriate! No two people are the same and it all depends upon where you are in your life when the proverbial boom is lowered. If you're in a good place, with minimal stresses in your daily life...are happy and fulfilled, then yeah, your response just may be less dramatic, with less
upset and depression, etc.. Then again, maybe not. I DEFY anyone to even attempt to set a standard re how anyone should react to such devastating news. We hear cancer and we think death and suffering. No ifs, ands or buts, about it. Who doesn't? At least initially. Where do these people come from that they've nothing better to do than sit in glass houses lined with grant funds and dream up imaginary formulas about attitude having no real import in survival. I'm 99% certain that we (here) could all shoot holes in every one of their flimsey theories in less than 10 minutes and leave them busted with nowhere to go with their nonsense. Sorry ladies, but screw this kind of "research"... what will they think of next to waste funds which could better be spent on "real" and viable research for treating cancer?
Here's my response to these kinds of researchers: GET A LIFE and perhaps a productive OCCUPATION while they're at it.
We can consider that psychiatrists
have the highest suicide rate of all professions, (that said, logically, what kind of position are THEY in to decide how someone should respond to a cancer dx? Obviously, they are not dealing well with their own troubles, overall, or they wouldn't be first on the list). Dentists follow on their heels in the number two position. For whatever that one is worth. Must be something about looking into people's mouths all day??? Anyway, I'd like to see some research funds allocated to finding out once and for all, why such ridiculous studies are funded in the first place! Think I'll e-mail these "experts" and ask them precisely WHO funded their
"busywork" study. The answer may be very revealing!
Well, that's my rant for the time being and it's actually past my bedtime. So, on that positive note, I'll say goodnight ladies!
Love, light and laughter,
Ink0 -
You go girl, I thought I was self-rightously indignant, but you blew me away! I liked that response, maybe you should write to them! Love, HummBinkblot said:Hi HummB:
So glad that you voiced your opinion and vented your feelings about the "impact of attitude upon survival" study.
It is my thought that unless we all are ok with just giving up our joy, happiness and fulfillment in life, following a cancer dx, then we'd do well to work at becoming forward thinking individuals! What loon would miss the important benefit of that endeavor?
For some of us, a conventional faith in God helps tremendously. For others, it's an overall depth of spirituality, which brings us strength and courage. Of course, learning all we can and taking the best physical care of ourselves is of the utmost importance. We can't do that without some positive thinking...not if we're depressed, afraid, stuck in angry mode or so fearful we can't function. It's not easy for our bodies to heal from such an onslaught of surgeries, drugs, etc., not to mention the emotional wreckage we experience. The important thing is to have "something" which sustains us through our darkest hours. Pee on their "positive is worthless" findings!
The aspect which really sets me off about these "studies" is the reference to: "how people SHOULD respond to a cancer dx"!!!!!!!
What, I ask you, is THAT all about? I personally think that any which way a person responds is appropriate! No two people are the same and it all depends upon where you are in your life when the proverbial boom is lowered. If you're in a good place, with minimal stresses in your daily life...are happy and fulfilled, then yeah, your response just may be less dramatic, with less
upset and depression, etc.. Then again, maybe not. I DEFY anyone to even attempt to set a standard re how anyone should react to such devastating news. We hear cancer and we think death and suffering. No ifs, ands or buts, about it. Who doesn't? At least initially. Where do these people come from that they've nothing better to do than sit in glass houses lined with grant funds and dream up imaginary formulas about attitude having no real import in survival. I'm 99% certain that we (here) could all shoot holes in every one of their flimsey theories in less than 10 minutes and leave them busted with nowhere to go with their nonsense. Sorry ladies, but screw this kind of "research"... what will they think of next to waste funds which could better be spent on "real" and viable research for treating cancer?
Here's my response to these kinds of researchers: GET A LIFE and perhaps a productive OCCUPATION while they're at it.
We can consider that psychiatrists
have the highest suicide rate of all professions, (that said, logically, what kind of position are THEY in to decide how someone should respond to a cancer dx? Obviously, they are not dealing well with their own troubles, overall, or they wouldn't be first on the list). Dentists follow on their heels in the number two position. For whatever that one is worth. Must be something about looking into people's mouths all day??? Anyway, I'd like to see some research funds allocated to finding out once and for all, why such ridiculous studies are funded in the first place! Think I'll e-mail these "experts" and ask them precisely WHO funded their
"busywork" study. The answer may be very revealing!
Well, that's my rant for the time being and it's actually past my bedtime. So, on that positive note, I'll say goodnight ladies!
Love, light and laughter,
Ink0 -
YOU GO GIRL!!!! I have read many things to the con trary of this author. I agree with you....without a positive attitude, I would have shriveled up in a hole somewhere. My faith pulled me up from every down and got me through the roller coaster ride. We who have been there know better than someone who hasn't, and I doubt anyone would disagree that on bad days, staying positive makes it all much more bearable. God bless....sorry I keep missing the chats. I'll catch one sooner or later! Cyndi0
Dear Hummingbird,
I could'nt agree with you more!!!!! I absolutely get angry at times when those who are {quote} experts think they know everything.....I too have faith in the Lord and He has kept me alive since 1989....I even had long periods of remission when the DRs all but gave up on me.....The Ultimate Phsysision is the Lord Jesus Christ!!!!He is the one that decides when we are at the end of our journey.
Through Him we can do anything, and He is able to keep us going and has for many centuries.....The ones I feel sorry for are the people who writes these foolish articles as well as the ones who know about Jesus and refuse to submit to his will for them!
Keep up the good fight!!!! I'm with you as well as many of us are that believe in the Lord. Be Blessed and stay in The Faith.
Sincerely Cathy0 -
Dear Hummingbird,
I could'nt agree with you more!!!!! I absolutely get angry at times when those who are {quote} experts think they know everything.....I too have faith in the Lord and He has kept me alive since 1989....I even had long periods of remission when the DRs all but gave up on me.....The Ultimate Phsysision is the Lord Jesus Christ!!!!He is the one that decides when we are at the end of our journey.
Through Him we can do anything, and He is able to keep us going and has for many centuries.....The ones I feel sorry for are the people who writes these foolish articles as well as the ones who know about Jesus and refuse to submit to his will for them!
Keep up the good fight!!!! I'm with you as well as many of us are that believe in the Lord. Be Blessed and stay in The Faith.
Sincerely Cathy0 -
Dear Hummingbyrd;
You've raised a great battle cry for the sisterhood here. This is a wonderful way to get our blood up. There is not a single cancer survivor that would agree with those findings. We all know that you must have faith and you must have a positive attitude. That is the ONLY thing you really have control of--especially during this time in your life. Attitude is everything.
If you don't believe it...just ask those who have not survived. Guess you can't.
KEEP the faith for all of us. Sometimes we might have to depend on one of our sisters to have a good attitude for us. But that is what we are here for...to share and to give back when we have enough to go around and to receive when we need it.
Love to all,
Mary0 -
Amen, Sistersdoris36 said:AMEN!!!! I felt the same way when I saw these articles, too! I know having a positive attitude helped me through this ordeal. Did it help cure me - who knows - but who cares! Doris
Have been remiss in reading the chat lately, but wanted to send a resounding AMEN to all you wonderful women. I am thankful to have this resource to go to and I am always uplifted by your comments. Just recently saw a video dramatization called "Fighting Spirit" done at a Women of Faith conference. It is excellent if you ever get to see it. I hope to see it again. My husband said it should be called a Winning spirit. We will all be winners "in Christ" one way or the other.
Hugs, Paulette0 -
Attitude is everything and no one has the right to take that away from us... I get outraged when I read the articles that say attitude does not help survival of cancer...It has been proven that our thoughts control our bodies and positive thoughts cause a higher immune system....0 -
Attitude and FaithBonnieMjelde said:Attitude
Attitude is everything and no one has the right to take that away from us... I get outraged when I read the articles that say attitude does not help survival of cancer...It has been proven that our thoughts control our bodies and positive thoughts cause a higher immune system....
What if someone has a very strong faith and a great attitutde and still doesn't survive?0 -
young_onestallman said:Attitude and Faith
What if someone has a very strong faith and a great attitutde and still doesn't survive?
I would like to know the answer to that question myself.
I know many women who had a very stong faith, beautiful hearts, and were wonderfully uplifting that died. I guess they should have prayed harder and smiled more. On the flip side of that coin, I also know of a man that died 8 years after his cancer diagnosis and he was the meanest man I ever met.
I find this positive attitude argument to be a way to blame the patient. I did nothing to deserve cancer or a potential early death. It's not attitude that saves/kills us. It's the biology of cancer... plain and simple.
I had cancer. I'm pissed about it. I guess that means I am going to die. I should call my oncologist and cancel all my future appointments. I guess all that treatment I took doesn't amount to a hill of beans. I should have stayed home and worked on my smile.
Please do not misunderstand, I feel grateful to be alive right now but I also have every right to look back at this past year and be angry/sad/overwhelmed about what has happened to me. I am changed. Maybe not for the better. I find joy in life every single day and I love living but I also know that I have an intense hate for what cancer has done to me and my family. Cancer has tainted it all. There's always a black cloud in the sky. Cancer won't let me forget. And I have a right to every single feeling that I have about it because stifling my anger at cancer is exhausting and is not good for my health either.0 -
I believe that having astallman said:Attitude and Faith
What if someone has a very strong faith and a great attitutde and still doesn't survive?
I believe that having a great attitude, even if it doesn't extend your life, will make it happier. I base this on me and how I feel. I've seen what people become when they allow their mental state to fester. I don't want to be that way.
It's about how you live your life.0 -
I have a great faith in God and it has brought me much comfort in my cancer journey. It is not the path everyone wants and that is okay, we all have choices to make. That said it has been proven scientifically that laughter and a positive attitude increase the endorphins in ones chemical make up which helps to fight off illness. The article below comes from the Mayo Clinic:
Long-term effects
Laughter isn't just a quick pick-me-up, though. It's also good for you over the long haul. Laughter can:
• Improve your immune system. Negative thoughts manifest into chemical reactions that can impact your body by bringing more stress into your system and decreasing your immunity. In contrast, positive thoughts actually release neuropeptides that help fight stress and potentially more-serious illnesses.
• Relieve pain. Laughter may ease pain by causing the body to produce its own natural painkillers.
• Increase personal satisfaction. Laughter can also make difficult situations a little bit easier.
Do not misunderstand this post; I am in no way saying sad, angry mad or miserable people caused their cancer, that would be ludicrous. I am simply offering information to help anyone who may want to know about this.
I have been dealing with cancer for 45 year when my mom was first diagnosed. I learned from her to enjoy the life God gave me and the cards I have been dealt. If not cancer it would be something else, Parkinson’s, Diabetes, heart problems, mental illness, Cystic Fibrosis and the list goes on. We all die of something so as long as I can still draw a breath I am going to enjoy my life.
RE0 -
Parkinson'sRE said:ATTITUDE
I have a great faith in God and it has brought me much comfort in my cancer journey. It is not the path everyone wants and that is okay, we all have choices to make. That said it has been proven scientifically that laughter and a positive attitude increase the endorphins in ones chemical make up which helps to fight off illness. The article below comes from the Mayo Clinic:
Long-term effects
Laughter isn't just a quick pick-me-up, though. It's also good for you over the long haul. Laughter can:
• Improve your immune system. Negative thoughts manifest into chemical reactions that can impact your body by bringing more stress into your system and decreasing your immunity. In contrast, positive thoughts actually release neuropeptides that help fight stress and potentially more-serious illnesses.
• Relieve pain. Laughter may ease pain by causing the body to produce its own natural painkillers.
• Increase personal satisfaction. Laughter can also make difficult situations a little bit easier.
Do not misunderstand this post; I am in no way saying sad, angry mad or miserable people caused their cancer, that would be ludicrous. I am simply offering information to help anyone who may want to know about this.
I have been dealing with cancer for 45 year when my mom was first diagnosed. I learned from her to enjoy the life God gave me and the cards I have been dealt. If not cancer it would be something else, Parkinson’s, Diabetes, heart problems, mental illness, Cystic Fibrosis and the list goes on. We all die of something so as long as I can still draw a breath I am going to enjoy my life.
Yes, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2006. Lots of problems down the road for me so I have to laugh while I can and eat ice cream while I can still get it in my mouth.0 -
TrooperMarcia527 said:Parkinson's
Yes, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2006. Lots of problems down the road for me so I have to laugh while I can and eat ice cream while I can still get it in my mouth.
You are a trooper and I love reading your posts, always so positive. I had childhood epilepsy from age 2-17 and was heavily medicated, died in my dad's arms once obviously they brought me back. Yes we all have rough roads they just become a bit smoother if you try to smile while walking on them!
Wishing you a happy day!
RE0 -
I firmly believe in "I love
I firmly believe in "I love life" attitude. Live by it. But many people that I love have been lost and they had great attitudes about life and a very stong Faith. Sometimes your purpose here in this life is just done and that is OK. I don't understand it, but that is ok. I just don't ever want someone struggling with cancer to think they don't have enough of a good attitude, or a stong enough Faith or that they aren't a good enough person. God can cure anything, yes-but sometimes that is not the plan. An "I love life" attitude is awesome, but it doesn't cure cancer.0 -
Positive attitude and faith...
All I know is that if I did not have a positive attitude and lots of faith, I would never have had the courage to face this and go through treatment. It admittedly took me awhile to get the positive attitude, but without it, I would have simply stayed home and died.
All of my doctors...from surgeon, to family doctor, to onc, have told me that I have a great attitude and positive outlook, and that is half the battle in all of this. I have to believe that what they are telling me is true. If not, I would just give up. I know that not everyone who feels this way actually beats the beast and wins. But I do know that it sure helps me cope with what I need to do to try!
Just my opinion.
CR0 -
Tough oneyoung_one said:young_one
I would like to know the answer to that question myself.
I know many women who had a very stong faith, beautiful hearts, and were wonderfully uplifting that died. I guess they should have prayed harder and smiled more. On the flip side of that coin, I also know of a man that died 8 years after his cancer diagnosis and he was the meanest man I ever met.
I find this positive attitude argument to be a way to blame the patient. I did nothing to deserve cancer or a potential early death. It's not attitude that saves/kills us. It's the biology of cancer... plain and simple.
I had cancer. I'm pissed about it. I guess that means I am going to die. I should call my oncologist and cancel all my future appointments. I guess all that treatment I took doesn't amount to a hill of beans. I should have stayed home and worked on my smile.
Please do not misunderstand, I feel grateful to be alive right now but I also have every right to look back at this past year and be angry/sad/overwhelmed about what has happened to me. I am changed. Maybe not for the better. I find joy in life every single day and I love living but I also know that I have an intense hate for what cancer has done to me and my family. Cancer has tainted it all. There's always a black cloud in the sky. Cancer won't let me forget. And I have a right to every single feeling that I have about it because stifling my anger at cancer is exhausting and is not good for my health either.
This is a tough one. I think it's easier if you were religious to begin with. I wasn't and still am not. I was somewhat spiritual, however, and that's intensified over the last year. I think in my case I just could no longer deal with the fear and anger anymore. It was eating away at me and it was no longer directed just at the cancer but at everything and everyone in my life.
I began to look at the people on this board who seemed to have more peace and asked them how they got there. I took their advice. I did everything even if I was skeptical about it. I exercised again, tried yoga, listened to some spiritual/inspiration CDs, started spending more time doing the things that made me feel good. A lot of work with my hands -- crafts, scrapbooking, refurbishing and painting furniture. I have always loved to garden -- I threw myself into that. I love to cook, I did crossword puzzles when I felt anxious, I began to eat better and drink more water, listened to life scape music CDs . . . and as time passed, I did begin to feel lighter. Or maybe I just began to live my life again.
I did not get to this point at diagnosis, treatment or even after. It's taken me a long time. And some days I'm still not there, but I'm having more better days than bad days these days. Everyone has to get there in their own way, in their own time, and on their own terms. I think it happens out of pure self preservation because you just can't go on being in that kind of emotional pain each day.
Oh, and Lexapro. Lots of Lexapro0 -
STALLMAN-"What if.....still doesn't survivestallman said:Attitude and Faith
What if someone has a very strong faith and a great attitutde and still doesn't survive?
Then they are in a better place right now if that is what they belive,and what you belive, or maybe it was just their time to go and they are just gone.No one knows when or where or how it will end,but we will all die sometime.You can go out kicking and scratching or you can go with a smile.It all depends on what you belive. Death is not to be feared,but not Living IS!0
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