just found out

slinda Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Skin Cancer #1
i just found out i have melonoma on jan 15 2002, the depth is 0.35 i have to have more cut out on feb 5, but the thing that worries me is the pain i have in my right armpit, it feels like a rash, but isnt.


  • gnail
    gnail Member Posts: 35
    Hi...I am so sorry I have not responded untl now. I have been recovering from a spinal surgery. PLEASE contact me> I would love to speak with you. My e-mail is gnail@sky.net
  • hpydncr
    hpydncr Member Posts: 13
    Hi slinda,
    I am a melanoma survivor. My story is found at Dancing Through The Intermissions. If I can help you in any way, you can email me. Tell your doctor about the pain in your armpit. The depth of your M is probably good news. Did they give you the Clarks level or Breslow? Linda Talbott
  • hpydncr
    hpydncr Member Posts: 13
    Hello again,
    You can email me at hpydncr@earthlink.net
  • bjeppson
    bjeppson Member Posts: 1
    I'm sorry. I found out on January. My mole was on my leg and was 1.72mm so I had a wide excision and radical groin dissection for the lymph nodes after finding it had spread there. Starting to come out of it some. What ended up happening to you? Was the pain in your armpit lymph node involvement?
  • fireboy283
    fireboy283 Member Posts: 1
    I know exactly...
    ...what you are going through. I found out on Oct. 19, 2001, that I had melanoma, after having a lesion removed by my family doctor...my thickness was 0.95 and the tumor was on my right shoulder blade. I went in on Nov. 1 for surgery. They cut margins around the original tumor site and also removed two lymphnodes from under my right arm. I have developed lymphedema in the limb and on my back...have had as much as 80cc's of fluid drained from around my scar. I realize that my reply is a bit late, this is the first time I have posted here as well. But I would like to know how things turned out for you (if you come back here and read this..lol).
