Just joined

sweetie Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Caregivers #1
Hi, I just joined the list. In July 2000 we discovered that my Mother has a malignant tumor
in her common bile duct. Not the liver, kidney, pancreas, gallbladder or bladder.
Just the bile duct. Mom has been through chemo and radiation. These are only palliative.
No surgery was done because the tumor was too large. There is a stent in the duct that helps
things to drain. I would really appreciate hearing from anyone else who has or is dealing with
this type of cancer.


  • jenn
    jenn Member Posts: 4
    Hi sweetie. I hope your mom has full recovery soon. Unfortunately I do not have experience with this type of cancer but wanted to offer my support to you and your family. My best friend has stage 2 invasive breast cancer and was diagnosed in september. she is on her 3rd round of AC chemo and is moving into taxotere in 10 days. Then she has 56 treatments of radiation. The process is so hard and worrisome, but have faith that your mother will pull through this. Make sure you take time for yourself and practice good self care. Hope you find what you are looking for in this site! :) Jenn
  • ShannonS
    ShannonS Member Posts: 3
    Hi, I know this message is pretty old but I thought you might look at this sometime. My Dad was just diagnosed with cancer. His started in his gallbladder and it crept into the bile duct. They can't do sugery and it isn't in his liver, pancreas, intestines or anything. They have told him he will get radiation and chemo. He was just diagnosed so they haven't started anything. I was just wondering how things were going with your Mom? If you read this I'd love to hear from you.
  • fredvegas
    fredvegas Member Posts: 1
    Hi, my dad was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma 3 years ago - he has no operations, for the exception of removing his gall bladder. He has had several stints put in and now Radiology has put a tube through hi liver so that a stint can be put in. He sleeps all the time now and is not eating much. The doctors have not been very helpful as to what to expect - can anyone provide any info?
  • Jessalyn
    Jessalyn Member Posts: 6
    fredvegas said:

    Hi, my dad was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma 3 years ago - he has no operations, for the exception of removing his gall bladder. He has had several stints put in and now Radiology has put a tube through hi liver so that a stint can be put in. He sleeps all the time now and is not eating much. The doctors have not been very helpful as to what to expect - can anyone provide any info?

    I don't know if you're checking these messages or not, but I had to write. My mom had bile duct cancer. I may be able to answer questions, if you still have any...