Anyone Stage 4 and still working?



  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,051 Member

    Stage 4-still Active cancer? or Dx'd with Stage 4 from the beginning. Two different situations. In 2006, it was Stage 4: Had Right Kidney, set of nodes under it, L Lobe of liver, plus several biopsy samples taken of rest of liver…and a congenitally defective gall bladder and duct remove in the same 11.5 hr. surgery. When I was able to drive without problems, I went back to work. Wait 1 year & C.T. comparisons showed a node enlarging, had a biopsy and a 4 hr. surgery to remove it. The same story a year later, but had a PET scan to confirm and another 4 hr. surgery.

    Since 2008, I've had uncountable CT's/Pelvic U.S. with Chest X-ray/ labs for blood and urine/many visits to Oncologist, Internist, Nephrologist, etc. I still work a 6-8 hr. day at 82 yrs. The good part is that after 2022, my oncologist sent a letter saying he was retiring, and he was turning my care over to my other docs to monitor as it was determined I didn't need to see an oncologist at this time. YAY.

    Treatments and drugs available have changed sooo much since that time. Progress is good.

    All I can do is wish you the best…and all of you who happen to click on this post. Survive the best way you can.


  • klarsen316a
    klarsen316a Member Posts: 18 Member

    Hi Donna! That’s great that you don’t need the oncologist anymore. I have stage 4 kidney cancer in my right kidney with nodules in my lung. My diagnosis was in June 2024. The nodules have not changed in size or anything so they monitor them with CT scans. I cannot have surgery on my kidney because I donated my left kidney in 2003 to my sister, therefore I am dependent on treatments and meds. I am on keytruda every 3 weeks and take Lenvima every night. Lots of other meds too for blood pressure, anxiety and depression too. I still work full time as I don’t feel I need to stop yet. I do work from home so that’s a bonus. My manager understands my situation and is really great about it all. I have seen shrinkage of my mass in the kidney of 1.22”, so something is working! I haven’t given up hope on this yet, but the treatment road is tough sometimes.
    Wishing you all the best in your journey on this! Hugs to you!