Mohs on nose horrific

mothersunshine8 Member Posts: 2 Member

I had a very small spot on the tip of my nose that kept bleeding, so I had it tested and it was squamous. (This is my third, the others were on my wrist and hand.)  I just had mohs yesterday and I left in shock. What I thought would be a small removal turned into 12 stitches from the tip of my nose up to the bridge in a large S. While I am grateful for the removal of the cancer, I’m feeling bewildered and emotional. I thought mohs was supposed to start as small as possible and then the doctor will remove more as needed? My doctor went large, and then took a graft from the top of my nose, “pulled the skin down”, and stitched the entire nose. I look like Frankenstein now. Is there any hope for a full recovery with no scar? I don’t wear makeup. I’m all for battle scars but I rely on my face for my business and don’t want to scare people away.


  • Michele30
    Michele30 Member Posts: 12 Member

    I hope you heal quickly and your scar fades. I had Moh’s surgery on my nose in September and ended up with a 1 1/2 inch zigzag scar from the bridge to the bottom of my nose too. It took a few months for the swelling to go down to almost normal on the left side, and my face looks more even now. I still have redness on that side and a scar but it’s mostly flat instead of lumpy so I can cover with makeup. I used scar pads after the incision was healed every night for a couple months. I stopped using them because I had another lump grow but it was benign. Good luck with your healing!