Strength and balance issues

celldweller454 Member Posts: 1 Member

Hello all,

I was diagnosed with large t-cell lymphoma in May 2023. Spent 3 weeks in the hospital and have been undergoing Chemotherapy ever since. Being that I'm getting close to the two year mark, I was curious if it was normal to still have balance and strength issues. I try to work out with resistance bands but what I can do is pretty limited due to being on oxygen for pulmonary hypertension. Balance seems to be even worse when wearing shoes for some reason. I was curious if anyone else experienced this? Thank you


  • Beta13
    Beta13 Member Posts: 2 Member

    Six months have gone by since my last and final chemo. No question about it, my strength is diminished, and I still have balance issues. What seems to help is:

    Hand excercises, and 15 to 30 minutes on my exercise bike each day. I still have to use cane to keep my balance but I try to walk a distance everyday without it. The process is slow, but I have noticed improvement along the road to recovery. Easy to get discouraged, but I am determeind to fight back. I guess the secret to all of this is get advice where you can and never, ever give up.