PMB and Endometrium at 26mm

joanzhang Member Posts: 11 Member

Hi Everyone,

My mom, age 65, experienced PMB about 3 weeks ago. I immediately got her scheduled to see the gyno and her ultrasound came back showing her endometrium measuing 26mm! She is scheduled for a D&C in 2 weeks. She had a D&C done almost 6 years ago for PMB when they found a polyp in her uterus, removed it, and the biopsy came back clean with no signs of endometium hyperplasia or maligancy. Her pap smear is normal as well. I keep telling myself that if her biopsy from a few years back showed typical growth then its very unlikely to be cancer. I know I shouldn't assume or do too much online reading. But I am just worried out of my mind right now. I keep a positive and strong face for her but she is already thinking she has cancer and she won't be around for long.

Would anyone here mind sharing their experience with this?

Thanks for letting me share here…


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member
    edited January 13 #2

    hello joanzhang,

    PMB (post menopausal bleeding for anyone else who didn't know that - I didn't and had to look it up) is usually a sign of issues, so good for the both of you to get in and get it checked out right away.

    The D&C is going to be the best way to figure out if anything is going on, the pap is not a reliable test for uterine/endometrial cancer, and once that is done you will know more. It is also the first step in the process of determining is going on, and while it is hard, try to take a breath and encourage her to as well.

    I know it is easy to get overwhelmed and ahead of yourself, but the tests are the best thing here. And good for you to avoid Dr Google since it is easy to go down a rabbit hole quickly.

    Please let us know how it all goes and what the results are. This board can be quiet but there are people here who watch and will chime in with support when we know more. Hugs to you both.

  • abume
    abume Member Posts: 2 Member

    I am also 65 and have a similar story. I first experienced PMB a few years ago, polyp was removed and no sign of cancer. Then I experienced PMB again in June 2024. Unfortunately it came back as cancer and I was diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer. I have since undergone chemo and a full hysterectomy. I want to encourage you however…. Chemo treatment is no longer the monster it used to be. You can now work with your onco to make it as bearable as possible. And there are solutions to the various side effects.

    I pray for a clear diagnosis this 2nd time around and wish your mom the very best. Sending positive thoughts 🙏🏾💞

  • joanzhang
    joanzhang Member Posts: 11 Member

    Thanks for sharing! That does sound very similar. If you dont mind sharing, did you experience any other symptoms other than PMB the second time when you were diagnosed?

  • abume
    abume Member Posts: 2 Member

    No other symptoms that I can remember. Most days I was walking for 1 hour.…

  • joanzhang
    joanzhang Member Posts: 11 Member
    edited January 16 #7
  • joanzhang
    joanzhang Member Posts: 11 Member

    Thank again! Best wishes to you!

  • joanzhang
    joanzhang Member Posts: 11 Member

    I do have a few general question for the board. I'm starting to worry my mom has symptoms for more aggresive endometrial cancer. A few month ago she had a very strong vaginal odor (no discharge) that her gyno dismissed as an infection. She also have a new lower pelvic pain that was dismissed because she has chronic back pain. She is older and obese. Now with the repeat PMB, extremely thick endometrium, and her past history of polyps, she seems to tick all the boxes. We're going to keep the D&C since its next Monday, but it will be 2 weeks before results are in and then schedule the hysteroctomy from there. She may not have a final diagnois for months. I read that in more symptomatic cases even if they dont find cancer on the D&C, a hysteroctomy is recommended. Sometimes cancer can only be found after the hysterocomy.. If that's the case, should I push for a diagnostic hysteroctomy now so we dont continue to delay diagnosis? I asked this before but her gyno (who is only 2 years out of residency) said if they do find cancer then an oncologist would do the procedure and may remove more. I'm in the US but the wait time for appointments is horrendous. Her gyno also only does robotic/DaVinci assisted hysteroctomy, which I read could miss issues due to the small field of view. What I'm considering now is this: Should I call a cancer center now and schedule a consultation for her with a gyno? I'm hoping this will at least shorten appointment/wait times. I know she can't see oncologist as she's not diagnosed. I feel like this can get us a second opinion and if its cancer after D&C shortern her wait time with the oncologist.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member

    Let me see if I can help you with some of your questions. Goodness knows, this is an education we have had to learn and understanding, and better to have us to ask vs trying to 'find' on your own. I will work through your message and hope it helps.

    The only way they will be able to tell if she has or what kind of cancer is by testing. The D&C is the first step and that can be done by a gynecologist. She is not diagnosed with cancer, and this procedure is safely done by the gyn. Smell is not a symptom of cancer, although I have read about dogs that can detect it, but that has been a long time ago. Being overweight has been determined to be a contributing factor to cancer development but that is not an absolute.

    If after the D&C cancer is detected she should be turned over to a gynecologic oncologist for her hysterectomy. This is NOT for a gyn to do. Period. Please insist on this if cancer is found. However, keep in mind that their may be additional tests if she proceeds to a hysterectomy. X-rays, CTs, etc…that is very standard, prior to any surgery.

    As for the DiVinci, there is no evidence that they do not get all the cancer. The robotic surgery removes the entire uterus vaginally in tact.

    Since she has not been diagnosed with cancer, a cancer center probably will not help her. I think you will find both the D&C and any surgery results do not take months. I would say at the most a 10 days to 2 weeks is more typical.

    I know it is terrifying, try to take a breath. You are doing a great job with questions and researching. As you can see, and we will all share, waiting is really the hardest part of this. Hugs dear.

  • joanzhang
    joanzhang Member Posts: 11 Member

    You are amazing and I really appreciate your inputs!

  • joanzhang
    joanzhang Member Posts: 11 Member

    Hi all, my mom got her results back from the D&C. She was diagnosed with Endometriold Adenocarinoma, FIGO 1. The report also described "endometrial tissue with proliferative crowded glands". Her gyno explained this is the most common and low grade type of endometrial cancer. She also described no signs of vascularity during the D&C. She did mention the stage could not be determined until after a hysterocemy. She referred my mom to a local gynocological oncologist in Atlanta at Northside Hospital. She has her first consult in 1 week. I would love this group's thoughts on whether I should look for a more reputable cancer center for her at this point or go with the local appointment to get her seen quicker. Would love to hear how you all dealt with this as I try to help her navigate this process.

  • Mercorby
    Mercorby Member Posts: 127 Member

    A second opinion from a NCCN ( - affiliated cancer center can be good. Sometimes a local oncologist is up to date with current standards of care and then you may get more attention. Learn more about the type of endometrial cancer your mother has and anything you can find out about what's in the actual tumor(s) - see if they will do NGS (next generation sequencing) on the tumor. Then you can ask better questions and make more informed decisions.

    Best wishes.

  • joanzhang
    joanzhang Member Posts: 11 Member

    Hi Mercorby, thanks for your reply! Is it possible to get a remote appointment with a NCCN hospital? When would be the right time to do this?

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member

    Those are good results, if cancer is ever really 'good', but you always have a right to get a second opinion. I can't answer your question on 'remote/virtual' dr visit, but I used the referral for a gyn onc from my gyn in Indianapolis and was very satisfied. I would suggest getting your questions all lined up for the Atlanta doc and take notes for your mom so she can focus on the doc. My BFF did that for me and I appreciated that. I could look back at what she wrote - still have the notebook today and track doc visits there - and we could discuss what we heard later.

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,029 Member

    You might just ask your mother's gynecologist if there are more than one cancer hospital in your area. University hospitals are up on the latest treatments. I went to a University hospital and was very satisfied.

  • joanzhang
    joanzhang Member Posts: 11 Member

    Thanks! Emory University Winship is in Atlanta. I'm debating if I should get her a backup appointment. Its not NCCN but NCI affiliated. At this point I'm thinking we go ahead and get the surgery done with the Northside oncologist and if she needs further treatment then reach out to Winship. This is all very new to me!