Peritoneal carcinomatosis



  • Lisa5165
    Lisa5165 Member Posts: 15 Member

    My hubby just had his 6th round of chemo (48 hrs each time every other week). We have appt with surgeon at the end of the month to get his take on things. CT scan showed decreased volume and density of the cancer. My husband has been feeling great, no pain, no nausea, for the last 2 weeks. Said he feels as good as before his cancer diagnosis and he has stage 4 peritoneal and colon cancer.

  • ZsaZsaGiGi
    ZsaZsaGiGi Member Posts: 11 Member

    I’m so glad he is feeling well. I also feel well and sometimes it is hard to believe all of this is going on inside. I wish him well with treatments. What is the name of the medication that takes 48 hours. I go 3 Mondays in a row for around 8 hours then off a week and start over the next month. I am being desensitized to Taxol so this why it takes so long. I’m on #5 tomorrow. Will you have some colon removed? That has been the worse part of having cancer for me. The peritoneal had spread to female organs and colon. I had 14 inches and sigmoid removed Oct of 2023. Permanent colostomy is no picnic! The up side is I am still alive! My quality of life is still good. Let me know his progress I am cheering for him!

  • Lisa5165
    Lisa5165 Member Posts: 15 Member

    Thanks so much and glad that you are also feeling well. He gets Foxfal ??? chemo, along with Bev chemo (Bev, I am told is a more targeted chemo) and we go on Mondays for a few hours, then he comes home with the pump and it runs for 48 hours w/chemo. Waiting to see the surgeon on Jan. 30th to see if they will perform surgery or next step? They have not mentioned removing any colon or any surgery yet at this point, and they are not sure if cancer started in peritoneal or colon. He is stage 4, what stage are you? I am sorry if you told me before and I am asking again. I wish yoiu the very best.

  • ZsaZsaGiGi
    ZsaZsaGiGi Member Posts: 11 Member

    I was diagnosed as 3c started in peritoneal and spread to other organs. I was on the Bev chemo (Duke suggested) for 7 doses before it quit working. I took an oral pill with it also every 3 weeks. I have been through several and now hoping the Taxol can buy me more quality time. I am Carboplatin resistant so can’t take it. I wonder if Avastin will be added to my regiment at some point. I put my trust in my team and they know I want quality over quantity. I am keeping the faith. Thanks for your correspondence.

  • Lisa5165
    Lisa5165 Member Posts: 15 Member

    I will keep you in my prayers and I did not know that chemo stopped working on many people, after so many treatments. Now I have been hearing this often. I agree with you about quality over quantity. I sometimes forget my hubby has cancer because he may have a week or more of feeling pretty normal. I pray for everyone affected with cancer. Have a wonderful day.

  • ZsaZsaGiGi
    ZsaZsaGiGi Member Posts: 11 Member

    Lisa I heard that once the cancer cells figure out the drugs treating the cancer they basically hide. ( in laymen’s language) Then must try something after. That is why I am currently being desensitized for Taxol. Thanks for your support.