
Ernie235 Member Posts: 2 Member

Hi, Well wishes to all of you.

I started chemo yesterday for a recurrence of gastroespohogeal cancer (at and near GE Junction) . First time was caught very early (stage 1) while checking for a minor swallowing probem and was treated with chemo, radiation and immunotherapy (not a candidate for surgery because of other health issues). Treatment was successful and I had three clead PETs. I went 10 months "cancer free" and then last month's PET showed that it had returned. Same location but with a tiny spread into the stomah. Still caught earlyso prognosis is "hopeful".

I'm told I cannot have photon radiation in the same spot twice, and still might not be a candidate for surgery, but I'm discussing the possibility of Proton radiation with my Cancer Team. Otherwise my treatment is chemo-immuno only and my fingers, toes, and eyes are all crossed; hopping that works.

My question is: Have any of you been treated with FOLFLOX and if so, what side effects did you experience and how bad were they? I'm only one day into my treatments, and sde effect-free so far, but would like to know what I can expect so I can be prepared

I'd appreciate any input/advice


  • LimogesGuy
    LimogesGuy Member Posts: 18 Member

    I think most of us had Folflox chemotherapy combined with radiation therapy. Personally I didn’t have any side effects from folflox. I was given several medications to take in case of nausea, diarrhoea and god knows what, but most remained unopened. When I brushed my hair I imagined there were a few more grey hairs than usual left in the brush, but I never lost my hair. Maybe a tiny bit thinner.

    This was about 7 months ago. Since then had surgery in July and now on my sixth immunotherapy in November.

    The worst I remember during chemo was constantly bringing up spit requiring a spittoon next to my bed but all side effects gradually diminished.

    Eating almost normal again today but smaller portions.

    Only side effects from immunotherapy for me is dry itchy skin.

  • Ernie235
    Ernie235 Member Posts: 2 Member

    Sorry it took so long to reply but I actually lost this website after I joined, and just figured it out again. Thanks for the reply and the great information.

    Sounds like you managed the Folflox well. I have meds for the nausea, etc… too and that part of the side-effects has been mild or non-existent, but I'm four treatments into the FolFlox now and there are so so many little side-effects that drive me crazy, but I deal with them as they come.