CA-125 rose to 82

user701 Member Posts: 4 Member

my wife (54 y.o.) was diagnosed with high grade stage 4 OC 09/2023, went thru 3 cycles of chemos (carbo/taxol) , had debulking surgery 12/2023, then another 3 cycles with last cycle in 02/24. She's been on maintenance since 02/2024 (Avastin every 3 weeks and daily pills of Lynparza.) Her CA-125 has been rising every month, now it's at 82 but her last two CT scans from 06/24 and 09/24 showed nothing. Her oncologist recommended just staying the course and doing another Ct scan in 12/24.

The rising CA-125 is very concerning, is there anything else we can do, like biopsy, PET scan , 2nd opinion, etc?


  • Yosefa
    Yosefa Member Posts: 13 Member

    How high was your wife's CA125 when diagnosed, and how low did it go after treatment finished? At NED? Everyone has different sensitivity to that test, and for differing reasons. That is why they say it is not definitive.

    But, yes, I would ask for a PET scan. Also it certainly is your right to advocate for your wife, and ask for a second opinion, especially if a pet scan is refused.

    If she isn't already on a vegetarian diet which is as much as possible, organic and wholefoods, no preservatives, sugar free, alcohol free, and no empty refined carbs, then make the switch.

    Limit stress (hard I know) and keep exercising and practicing mindfulness and focus on things that promote positivity, joy and relaxation. Music, dancing, family, friends, children, pets and laughter. All these things are healing for the mind. Sleep and meditation also are key.

    I am writing this to remind myself to keep on track as well!

    Best thing is that you are here, on this board, advocating for your wife by asking questions and seeking answers, empowering yourself and her!

    Best wishes ❤️ and love to her.


  • user701
    user701 Member Posts: 4 Member

    her CA-125 when first diagnosed back in 09/23 was 15k, after 2 or 3 chemo cycles, down to 2k. after 6 cycles, down to 15. then slowly creeping back up.

  • STanner
    STanner Member Posts: 1 Member

    There is a new blood test that my Dr. is using to check reccurrence. It is through Natera and is called Signatera. Natera took a sample of my tumor and then created a blood test to see if there was any signs of my tumor in my blood. So far I am 3 months negative. They use this along with CA125 and the HE4 to watch what is happening. The test can potentially detect cancer cells up to 2 years before recurrence of cancer would show on a scan. I would ask your doctor if this test is available for your wife.