I’m Terrified

I recently had a Pap smear which came back normal but there were endometrial cells present. I am 49 years old, no symptoms, perimenopausal, obese (31 bmi). My doctor wants to do an endometrial biopsy. Now I am scared to death that I have cancer. Any advice on how to handle? I am particularly freaked out because I have ocd. All I can think is I have cancer and I’m going to die. Support/advice very welcome.


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member

    hey melisagreene, while the board has been quite, I expect it to be even more quiet with the holiday. That's ok.

    First, try to take a breath. It is perfectly normal to have this feeling. While your ocd may make that hard, I applaud your doctor for trying to find out what is going on. There is no diagnosis or anything until tests are complete. It could be nothing, you just don't have any facts yet.

    Uterine/Endometrial cancer is higher in women who are overweight, so I find this another great sign that your doctor is checking things out.

    Cancer is not a death sentence. There are "typical garden varieties" that are taken care of with surgery. Again, you just don't know until they test.

    If you have time with friends and family, try to enjoy that. If you have a hobby dig in and read or create something new. What your feeling is normal, but let's see what the tests say and go from there. Hugs dear.

  • melissagreene
    melissagreene Member Posts: 3 Member

    Thank you for the kind words of encouragement. Doing as you said, trying to relax and take it one day at a time.

  • melissagreene
    melissagreene Member Posts: 3 Member

    Hi All,

    I wanted to come back with a follow up. I had my biopsy today, it was an experience. I took 2 Ativan, 2 Tylenol and 3 Aleve about an 1.5 hours before the procedure. I would say the Ativan helped the most. Unfortunately they had to dilate my cervix and took some time. I would say the total time was 15/20 minutes. A few seconds of pain but mostly discomfort. Now I wait for the results. Dr is hopeful all is okay, she said everything looked good. Let’s hope she is right.


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member

    melissagreene, thank you for letting us all know how it went. Waiting is the hardest part, go and do something for you or that you enjoy.

  • zsazsa1
    zsazsa1 Member Posts: 570 Member

    Hi, Melissa. I hope that the biopsy results were okay. I just wanted to let you know that my lap hysterectomy was a total breeze, very easy recovery. I often hear about people who undergo multiple rounds of endometrial biopsies for year, before finally undergoing a hysterectomy. I considered having one, based upon family history, after I had my last child at 42, but based upon advice of my GYN, did not, a decision that I came to deeply regret.

    If there is any way that you can get a hysterectomy done, but leaving your ovaries if you are low risk for ovarian cancer, I would do it. Uterine cancer rates are rising in the US. No uterus, no risk of uterine cancer.

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    I'll be following along, and I'm in my fourth year of survivorship of endometrial adenocarcinoma—Grade 1, Stage 1 C (lymphovascular 'invasion' and 83% through my uterus). Doing great! Following, and wishing you some peace of mind. That's the hardest part <3