Out of curiosity....

Has anyone started their ovarian journey and got diagnosed with a benign serous cystadenoma post biopsy? I recently did. Did you later on get another cystadenoma and it turn out to be cancer. My husband thinks I'm looking for something wrong. Truth is, I want to make sure that if I do end up having cancer, that my obgyn will catch it early. I also want to make sure that this is a borderline cystadenoma. I am sending the specimen off for a second opinion. I'm real curious if I can find any other woman who has started their journey with a benign serous cystadenoma. You know, I just want to know I'm not alone and that I'm doing the right thing by staying in connection with the doctors and advocating for myself. Thanks.


  • guineapiglover3_
    guineapiglover3_ Member Posts: 2 *

    Oops, I want to make sure that this is NOT borderline cystadenoma....lol. Sorry yall. That was me accidentally skipping a whole word.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,524 Member


    First, ALWAYS advocate for yourself! Just like money, I find no one cares more about you (or your money) more than you. So good for you!

    I don't know if you found out an answer yet, but I would suggest being open to what it is. If it is benign, ask that follow up question on how to watch for anything in the future. If it is something, get referred to a gynecologic oncologist.

    While this board can be quiet, and I am a visitor from the Uterine board, please let us know how it all goes. You never know when you may help someone who stumbles across your post in the future.