Anal cancer



  • Smiles60
    Smiles60 Member Posts: 7 Member

    Ladies, if you have radiation make sure you use the dilator every day, maybe even twice a day. If not, it will definitely affect your sex life. If it hurts while you use it, ask for a smaller one or purchase a set on Amazon. Make sure they are well lubed. This is experience speaking.

    No one explained this to me.

  • PainInTheBum
    PainInTheBum Member Posts: 99 Member

    I finished my treatment 5 years ago this month. Take it day by day. It's a tough treatment but doable. Read comments in this forum. It helped me a lot during treatment. Of course you're scared. Who wouldn't be? But, there is help for whatever you are going through. Listen to your doctor and nurses. Ask a lot of questions. If you have a specific question, no matter how silly you think it is come here and ask too. There is a lot of good info that helped me get through treatment.

  • SpB59
    SpB59 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Hi I am 2-3 years out from my 6 weeks radation and chemo but noi have a damaged small intestine and have bad episodes of partial bowel blockege every month or so The doctor told me they could operate cut the bad section of intestine out but it is a high morbidity rate operation and I may have leakage and end with the colostomy SO he asked of i could live with the episodes and I have been for 2 years now But I could use some guidence from anyone going thru this type stuff. Been to a gastro doctor he was no help either have had cat scan to itentify the damage area.

  • SpB59
    SpB59 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Im a newbee to these forums hope I can find my way back to see if I get any replys.

  • Jet1204
    Jet1204 Member Posts: 24 Member

    Hi. I am not sure this will help. You talked about leaking. Have you asked about trying pelvic floor therapy or yoga? I should be getting therapy soon to help with urgency. I hear it helps a lot. I have also thought about seeing a Functional doctor after having completed chemo/radiation. I have heard that they look at the entire body and not just one area like other drs. These doctors seem to try more natural ideas. Have you tried fiber bars in the health food area of a grocery store? Maybe the fiber bars could soften things up to help keep things from blocking up, Its only been 6 month since my first diagnosis. I hope you find the answers you are looking for on tjis form.

  • Jet1204
    Jet1204 Member Posts: 24 Member

    Hi again. Not, sure if you are a smoker. My father in laws bowl and colon basically rotted from smoking. My mother in law also smokes too and has had bowl blockage from smoking. If you do smoke please try to get help to quit.

  • SpB59
    SpB59 Member Posts: 5 Member

    mild Smoker for 40 years quit 2 years ago this month cold turkey. was not bad and haven't touched one since THANK you

  • Bunnyhoppp
    Bunnyhoppp Member Posts: 4 Member

    How am I going to feel after my port is put in? I'd like to see a friend if I can. If someone else drives will I be able to visit her? Or will I be in a lot of pain? I do have painkillers

  • Jet1204
    Jet1204 Member Posts: 24 Member

    I had a port put in and it was the easiest part of the journey for me. It wasn’t too bad and you should be fine. If you take the pain pills they give you make sure to take probiotics because the pain pills could cause constipation. You might be tired after the procedure and will be fine to go places the day after. You got this!! I get my port out on Tuesday and I am excited! If I remember correctly I just used the pain pills at night to help with sleeping. It might be hard to find a comfortable sleeping position for a few days. But, that doesn’t last too long. Make sure to ask for lidocaine to use on your port before each poke on your port. I never felt uncomfortable using lidocaine. Hope this helps!

  • SpB59
    SpB59 Member Posts: 5 Member

    the port was easy for me. And the chemo was easy the radiation got hard at the end of the treatment. I felt raly run down.

  • SpB59
    SpB59 Member Posts: 5 Member

    Had another one of my episodes on the 12th like clockwork a month from the last one. Not as bad as that one But none of them are good. Now just enjoying feeling ok and waiting until the next one. Trying to do what I think works for me. Wish I had a silver bullit.

  • Bunnyhoppp
    Bunnyhoppp Member Posts: 4 Member

    What is a dilator? Is it a cream or a tool? Where do you get it?

  • Bunnyhoppp
    Bunnyhoppp Member Posts: 4 Member

    Thank you!

  • Bunnyhoppp
    Bunnyhoppp Member Posts: 4 Member

    Oh, is that what lidocaine is for? A cancer free friend told me to use it but I had an incision only yesterday; the advice didn't seem quite right with the bandages.

    Probiotics - got 'em!

    Also, I have large breasts and the weight pulled on the wound and it was not good. So I recommend a bra with support.

  • Jet1204
    Jet1204 Member Posts: 24 Member

    Just rub the lidocaine on your port before they poke you to draw blood or poke you for chemotherapy. I would rub the lidocaine on about an hour before treatment and place plastic wrap on top of the lidocaine area. The plastic wrap kept it from getting on my clothes. The nurses will clean it all up at the hospital. Your doctor can give you a prescription for the lidocaine.

  • AngelikaK
    AngelikaK Member Posts: 1 Member

    I'm finding all of these comments very helpful. I am halfway through my 2 rounds of chemo (2nd one starts on the 23rd, 4 days with the pump) and 30 sessions of radiation. The expected side effects are just starting to manifest. I see the mention of RSO and I do not know what that is and what it does? Can anyone help inform me? Thanks!

  • VeraLutz
    VeraLutz Member Posts: 4 Member

    Just found out I have cancer and am terrified. Haven’t seen anyone. Big C treated with chemotherapy and radiation. 🥲

  • Wobbly2024
    Wobbly2024 Member Posts: 7 Member

    Try to get tested prior to treatment: . Do you have to do this by yourself?

  • VeraLutz
    VeraLutz Member Posts: 4 Member

    I’m not alone. My husband knows and is very supportive. I’m afraid to tell my son and his wife but I’m sure they will be here for me. This feels like a nightmare.