Should an Endocrinologist be part of our team?

The Endocrine system is incredibly complex. ADT affects one, but that cascades to other hormone levels. If one's adrenaline or insulin were too high, we'd address it right away. And yet those hormone levels ARE affected by ADT and are responsible for many of our side effects.

I'm not criticizing ADT. It has saved many lives, including my own. However, it seems that we need to review our other hormone levels during treatment. Should an Endocrinologist be part of every Prostate Cancer team?

I'm not a medical professional, and this question may be a naive one. (I was a High School Bio teacher about 50 years ago….with enough information to ask ignorant questions.) Most of us consider diet, exercise, and emotional aspects in our treatment.



  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,265 Member


    An Endocrinologist could be part of your team if you wish. In my humble non medical opinion its a pretty simple process with ADT. You take the drug an monitor you testosterone level via blood tests. I don't know what services an Endocrinologist could offer you that an Internal medicine doctor could. Adding another doctor visit every so often is not for me unless it’s absolutely necessary. Is there something I’m missing?

    Dave 3+4