Not sure what to expect...anyone else been through similar?


Wondering if anyone had similar ultrasound findings and what the results were? I had a biopsy done a few days ago and now waiting on results.

I'm 3 months into taking tamoxifen because I was diagnosed with breast cancer in April of this year, but that would be very quick for these changes to happen. Horrified at the possibility of another cancer diagnosis, but want to be prepared.

U/S findings:

22mm endometrial thickness


Enlarged uterus

Hyperechoic vascular areas

Really grateful for any shared experiences.


  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    Welcome lth81. Sorry to hear about your breast cancer diagnosis and now this new biopsy. You already know how scary it is waiting for results. Most endometrial cancers are low grade and low stage fortunately. Those of us here are usually higher grade, as low stage women tend to drift away and get on with their lives. There are other women here who have had endometrial cancer after breast cancer, but your biopsy is a really short time between the two. I think Lynch Syndrome can cause an increased incidence of these two cancers together. But, you don't have that second diagnosis yet so hopefully it will be negative for cancer. Don't read studies older than about 5 years too. Treatment has greatly improved.

    I just tried to keep busy while waiting for results. AND I found going new places gave me a chance to refresh my emotions. Good luck!

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member

    Forherself said it very well.

    Keep in mind that tamoxifen can elevate the risk of developing uterine cancer, so after you get the results of your biopsy I would suggest having that discussion with the dr if this is the best plan for you.

    waiting is the hardest part.