My experience after having a Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy

sunny1234 Member Posts: 38 Member
edited November 2023 in Kidney Cancer #1

I had my surgery 2weeks ago. This is what i experienced, Remember we are all different.

On day one was stay was in hospital day 2 went home. Wow pain for the first few days was pretty ripe no laughing deep breathing coughing sneezing or yawning. My Shoulders hurt. Did not really eat the first few day slowly started to eat no appetite in the first week, i have only just recently started to eat normal.

On day three i was able to just take Tylenol for my pain during the day as it slowly got better. I went for a 1/4 mile walk i was very tired afterward. For 4 nights at bedtime i would take the pain med so i could sleep. Day five i stopped night time pain med do to no bowel movement I only took Tylenol. I Was taking Colace from day one, I added Miralax on day 3 took me almost 8 days before i moved my bowels. Everyday i get a little better but my energy, being able to move quickly is only at 60% . I still get tired after my walks and doing to many things. On day 6 oh boy the itching began it got so bad that i had to take Benedryl every three hours for about 4 days. I still take benedryl but not as much. The itching can get very intense. I have my good days and my bad ones meaning some days i feel almost normal and then there are days when i feel completely tired. I know that this will all get better in time. I am very happy that i can go on my walks everyday. Things you may want to have in your house after surgery is benedryl or zurtex for itching Tylenol for pain and a laxative. I still do not know my results from the pathology report i guess i will find out at the end of the month when i finally see my Doctor. I will be updating this post for a while . What i also found helpful in the beginning was to press a pillow against my stomach in case i cough sneezed or laughed. at night i kept a pillow on my stomach to prevent me from opening the incisions do to severe itching.

Has anyone used a anti itch topical after 2 weeks?

I Truly appreciate any feedback to help make my days go by a little easier the itching is just torment..



  • sunny1234
    sunny1234 Member Posts: 38 Member

    I was trying to figure out how to edit my post above but i don't think i can so hopefully this comment will be read.

    By the second week i was out hiking and pretty much doing everything but heavy lifting.

    My Doctor told me no restrictions except for no heavy lifting for a while.

    All most a month in i am doing much better. I went to the doctor and found out I am allergic to the Derma bond glue they used. Benedryl worked.

    My results came back a low grade cancer so no further treatment is necessary. I will be followed for 5 years once a year. Surgery went well and my Doctor got the complete lesion.

    I was petrified of this surgery Thank goodness for this site.

    The People here are amazing They really helped me out.

    I hope this help a little.


  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member

    So glad the surgery is behind you. Do keep up with the follow up scans! Thanks for sharing your experience!

  • paulaf62
    paulaf62 Member Posts: 4 Member

    hope you are still following these boards! I had a partial coming up on 3 week’s now, I walk daily several times a day, like you that first week was awful! My only issue now is that my largest incision swells whenever I eat. It’s on my left side right below rib cage. Did you experience any discomfort after a meal in your incisions?
    I know I’m still healing and probably swollen internally still but it kind of freaks me out.

  • Mark331
    Mark331 Member Posts: 3 *

    Thank you for your story, it’s really helpful. I have a 6.8x7.0x7.0 mass on my right kidney and am having laparoscopic total nephrectomy on Dec 17. It’s nice to know what to expect

  • sunny1234
    sunny1234 Member Posts: 38 Member

    Thank You. I am so sorry to read this. I will be praying for you on the 17th. Good luck with your surgery, Please keep us updated.