Looking for LMS Stage IV long term survivors

jncarson Member Posts: 1 Member

Please share your story. What has worked best for you? Have you tried alternative treatment methods? I am hearing about things from Ivermectin & Fenben, certain vitamins and teas. What has worked best for metastatic in lungs? I personally don’t know anything about them and have not tried any of them. I’m told that I cannot be cured, but then I hear of others stage IV who have lived for years.


  • Tbooggs
    Tbooggs Member Posts: 2 Member

    Hello. I was diagnosed with retroperitoneal liposarcoma after my surgery August 29th 2023. I refused a biopsy prior to surgery due to tumor location on left adrenal gland.

    After seeing oncologist at Ohio State Wexner, discussing my particular cancer and the lack of treatments avaliable, which basically is surgery, I decided not to seek any offered treatments or trials.

    I've been using several herbal supplements, ivermectin, fenben and soursop tea. I changed my diet mainly due to the removal of the tail of my pancreas and the blood sugar issues and digestive issues as well. I lost my left kidney and adrenal, spleen and 2 lympnodes as well. My tumor was 6 cm. I'm diagnosed as stage 3.

    It's been over a year now, multiple CT scans later and I still remain clear.

    I cannot say for 100% certainly that the supplements and dietary changes I've made have helped but I cannot say that they haven't. I continue to be hopeful, grateful for my surgery team and this life I'm still living.

    When there's no treatments, your left to stepping out into the void, looking for a bit of information and guidance.

    I hope your doing well.

    Best Regards