Kidney scan

sunny1234 Member Posts: 38 Member

Hi All, It has been a while since i have been on the site, I am going for my 1 year scan/check up at the end of the month. I know it will be fine. I have healed welled no problems since my surgery.. Amazing how i haven't thought or had any fear until now the thought just eats at me was wondering if anyone goes through this and what you do to keep the pace.


  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member

    Hello Sunny,

    as I understand, your tumor was very small, around 3 cm? You will surely be fine!
    But the scanxiety - oh we all get it, we do :-( No proper advise how to handle it, to be honest. But it does get better with time. My husband had kidney cancer, not me. He is not a worrier and doesn't get scanxiety, I do instead of him :-) After 5-6 years (eyeroll) it became much better.

    Also, I try to tell myself that no matter what the news will be, you would benefit from it. If NED - great! If recurrence - it will be caught very early and successfully dealt with. So a positive result either way.

    Fingers crossed for NED!

  • sunny1234
    sunny1234 Member Posts: 38 Member

    Thank you!!! Scanxiety love this. Amazing how debilitating fear can just take over our thoughts forgetting the positive that comes from the scan no matter the results. I will be Thinking positive till the day come.

    Thank you so much for your positive feed back.

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member

    My opinion is that everyone who's experienced what we've gone through has a hint (or more) of anxiety when scans approach. What you're feeling is completely normal. There was a member on this site who encouraged us to embrace scan time. He would say that scans allow us an opportunity to "catch" any growth early, which is a good thing.

    I'm hopeful you'll have a visit from Uncle NED.

    Wishing you only the best!


  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member

    Keep us posted on the results. We're thinking of you!


  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member

    Hi Sunny. I’m 8+ years post-surgery and scans each year were clear. I was released from the scanning ritual a few years ago, but will likely try to get an abdominal ultrasound next year, just to be on the safe side. Generally, I don’t think about my cancer trip. But there are times, even 8 years in, when it still pops into my mind. I think that’s true of any life-altering situation, and hearing the words “you have cancer” was certainly life-altering. I agree completely with stub. Scanxiety will always be there because it’s a reminder of what we went through.

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member

    Hi Sunny,

    Have you had your scans? I bet uncle NED will come to visit you soon :-)

  • sunny1234
    sunny1234 Member Posts: 38 Member

    Great news my scans and x rays all came back clear!!! Doc said see you next year. Thank you to everyone for your response and support. Happy Holidays to all.