Clogged tear ducts

cc1234 Member Posts: 4 *

about a week after my first round of chemo, I started getting clogged tear ducts. I am wondering if anybody else has had this experience and what you did to help? I have discussed with my nurse navigator, but I don’t get quick feedback so I thought I would post here. So far, I am using a soft washcloth, soaked in warm water and just allow it to sit on my eyes.


  • RocDocVic
    RocDocVic Member Posts: 150 Member

    What chemo are you on? If you're on Taxotere (docetaxel) this is a known side effect and should have been discussed with you before you started. There are numerous lawsuits against Sanofi because of this and permanent damage to the tear ducts. Tell your navigator nurse this! My eyes were watery all of the time and got blurry vision. I had to use kleenex to periodically dab the fluid out.

    Make an appointment with an Opthamologist ASAP to get your eyes examined and to have this documented. If it persists and gets worse they can put stints into the tear ducts to assist with drainage.

  • cc1234
    cc1234 Member Posts: 4 *

    oh wow! Thank you for this information. I just called and was unable to speak with my navigator, but the person I spoke with pulled up my chart and said they did not see those drugs listed. I am going to follow up with the navigator to be sure. Thank you again for sharing that though.