Adults that had Wilms Tumor as a child



  • SerafinaEMS
    SerafinaEMS Member Posts: 2 Member
    edited March 2020 #42
    I had Wilms Tumor

    Hello I had Wilms Tumor at age 5. I don't remember much about my experience with cancer in general just a couple of memories from the time that stand out as side effects or part of my treatment.

  • Peonyrose
    Peonyrose Member Posts: 5 Member

    Hi I am survivor of wilms timour I am 58 and had breast cancer 14 years ago and check ips fine I have found out my kidney function is slightly low 3ml over 3 years which is what aging does to kidney each year 1 ml drop i am going to be monitored now and kept an eye on my efrg is 56 now that is the function of kidney If under 60 they get concernd O have no diabetes or highbloid preddssure I had

  • Peonyrose
    Peonyrose Member Posts: 5 Member

    I have a son who is 31and i hope to live more years with monitoring of my lidney function from now on aged 58 as function 3ml lower over last 3 years I feel fine and blessed to have survived breast cancer in 2008 with masectomy and chemo radiation and tamoxifen for 10 years please keep an eye on kidney function especially in later life as in fifties and be monitoref if needed

  • Peonyrose
    Peonyrose Member Posts: 5 Member

    I had a difficult pregnancy with my son at aged 27 and stained throughout and haf befrest for six weeks for that and he was born with borderline autism but living a good life and working in I.T and in a relationship

  • owens1990
    owens1990 Member Posts: 1 *

    I do I was diagnosed back in 1990 with stage 4 wilms tumor I had my left kidney removed and chemotherapy radiation for my neck to my pelvis at 5 years old I am 39 now with a two-year-old son

  • Spongybear
    Spongybear Member Posts: 6 Member

     I’m 46 and was diagnosed at age 2 with a tumor the size of 3 grapefruits on my left kidney. I had surgery , chemo and radiation. I’ve had many complications since- including a seriously decreased heart rate during childbirth (but I have a perfectly healthy 21 year old son now!) and cardiac arrest resulting in 53 minutes of cpr due to a weaken heart’s reaction to a blood pressure drug. It’s been such a long road physically, mentally and emotionally. But, I’m still here. If I could give my best advice- I’d say to stay on top of follow up- no matter how excessive it may seem. At some point- the impact of what you went through will hit you. And you’ll want to know you’ve done everything you could for yourself and your loved ones.