Anyone considering NOT taking hormone therapy?

survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I just wondered if anyone here said no to the hormone therapy, or, if after taking one or the other, you had too many side effects and just quit. I have read where some of you took breaks, but, didn't know if anyone just didn't take them. I am considering not taking tamox after rads. Thanks!


  • Derbygirl
    Derbygirl Member Posts: 198
    I considered that also
    I considered that also especially since I was nearly triple negative (only 5% ER+). Oncologist said that anyone who was at least 1% positive should take meds to get whatever benefit possible. The potential benefit of preventing recurrence of cancer outweighed the side effects so I'm taking the meds. It's been 7 months now.
  • cats_toy
    cats_toy Member Posts: 1,462 Member
    it was never a consideration for me
    I can take the Arimidex for 5 years, and that is exactly what I will do if possible. Anything that reduces the chances of recurrence is a good thing.
  • peb
    peb Member Posts: 23 Member
    I am considering it also
    I do not want to take the hormone therapy either. I know what everyone says but i do not want other types of cancer and all the side effects if they effect my role in life. I guess it depends on what they say but also my %. I heard from a center that if cancer is going to come back it will try and come back in the same spot. If this is true ( please give me input) then why wouldn't the radiation be enough with imaging every 6 months.
  • TrishyG
    TrishyG Member Posts: 40
    peb said:

    I am considering it also
    I do not want to take the hormone therapy either. I know what everyone says but i do not want other types of cancer and all the side effects if they effect my role in life. I guess it depends on what they say but also my %. I heard from a center that if cancer is going to come back it will try and come back in the same spot. If this is true ( please give me input) then why wouldn't the radiation be enough with imaging every 6 months.

    I am on hormone therapy
    I am on hormone therapy (tamoxifan) so far the side effects are not horrible. I feel pretty good. My bc was estrogen and progestrone positive. I see my oncologist in another month to discuss whether or not to have my ovaries removed. I am leaning toward no. I really struggled with starting hormone therapy. I hate the idea of being on any prescription drug for the long term. I do not want to have a reoccurance but I also want a good quality of life.
  • journeyon
    journeyon Member Posts: 16 Member
    peb said:

    I am considering it also
    I do not want to take the hormone therapy either. I know what everyone says but i do not want other types of cancer and all the side effects if they effect my role in life. I guess it depends on what they say but also my %. I heard from a center that if cancer is going to come back it will try and come back in the same spot. If this is true ( please give me input) then why wouldn't the radiation be enough with imaging every 6 months.

    Cancer coming back
    My Medical oncologist informed me that invasive cancer cells from the breast tumors can move through the blood and lymph systems and recurrence can mean cancer of the lungs, brain, liver and bones. Isn't this one of the main reasons for hormone therapy, to stop the growth of these elusive cells, as well as to prevent the growth of new cells in either breast.

    After radiation, I will take the tamoxfien therapy in spite of the side effects as for me, I believe it's part of the prevention I need to take. We do all need to considered what is best for ourselves.

    Good luck with your decision.
  • Eil4186
    Eil4186 Member Posts: 949
    I can understand your
    I can understand your trepidation. I have been taking tamoxifen now for a little more than 2 and 1/2 years and as much as I would rather not be taking it, I feel better knowing I am doing everything possible to prevent a recurrence. The side effects have not been bad at all.
  • sausageroll
    sausageroll Member Posts: 415
    Eil4186 said:

    I can understand your
    I can understand your trepidation. I have been taking tamoxifen now for a little more than 2 and 1/2 years and as much as I would rather not be taking it, I feel better knowing I am doing everything possible to prevent a recurrence. The side effects have not been bad at all.

    My Femara arrived today. The oncologist wants me to start them while still on radiation, but the radiation department feel you should wait. I had second thoughts about hormone not want to gain weight etc...but like others, anything I can do to stop the recurrence of bc is O.K. with me and I will live with the side effects.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    My Femara arrived today. The oncologist wants me to start them while still on radiation, but the radiation department feel you should wait. I had second thoughts about hormone not want to gain weight etc...but like others, anything I can do to stop the recurrence of bc is O.K. with me and I will live with the side effects.

    Thanks all for your replys.
    Thanks all for your replys. I guess I will decide when it is time for me to either take tamox or not. I wish all of you the best of health!
  • Jet1204
    Jet1204 Member Posts: 24 Member

    Has anyone’s oncologist told them to never take hormone replacement? Mine told me to never take them because it increases the chance of breast cancer. What are your thoughts?

  • Jet1204
    Jet1204 Member Posts: 24 Member

    Thank you and I will check into it. Have you heard anything on HRT?

  • Jet1204
    Jet1204 Member Posts: 24 Member

    Also. i had my hormones tested and they are way low. I assume chemotherapy and radiation caused my hormones to go low. Can my hormones come back up naturally overtime without using hormones like HRT?

  • RocDocVic
    RocDocVic Member Posts: 151 Member

    Is this person a Medical Oncologist? An Endocrinologist with experience in various types of breast cancer? If not, take any suggestions with a grain of salt. Ask your Oncologist for information, and if needed, data to show the recommendations for you.

  • RocDocVic
    RocDocVic Member Posts: 151 Member

    I'm not on AI drugs. I'm hormone negative and HER2 3+ I don't rely on apps, nor YouTube videos for my cancer information unless the person is a board certified Oncologist or Breast Cancer Surgeon. As for Physical Therapy, there are several good PT people who specialize in treating cancer patients and have great exercises for us on YouTube. I still recommend that you write down all of your questions and concerns, and talk with your Oncologist about them. There's a lot of fake/false information online about treating cancer and dealing with side effects.