Help! New to this

Jamieleec Member Posts: 1 Member

My daughter has bc stage 4 in her spine and now in her leg. She found out her tumors are growing. Has to change treatment and do radiation. I need help on how to help her. What to say and do? She get so angry and frustrated. She says she doesn’t want to get addicted to painkillers. What advice can I give her?


  • RocDocVic
    RocDocVic Member Posts: 147 Member

    I hope she has a Pallative Care team to assist her with this going forward. This is not Hospice care, but rather an integrative care team that can help with management of pain and other issues. No doubt she'll need assistance with radiation treatment therapy and her new treatment plan going forward. Is there a psychologist at the cancer center that specializes in dealing with cancer? Other local support groups like Gildas Club or Turning Point? Is she in physical therapy or does she go to a gym where she can get "soft" physical exercises? Check with her Cancer Center about these and other support services and programs. There are also programs for caregivers too.