Urgency incontinence

Has anyone else dealt with bladder issues during chemo? How did you manage it


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member

    Sorry to hear of this. Have you consulted with a urologist? There may be many causes, some of which may be eliminated or compensated for. Has constipation been an issue? I have been advised by a urologist that bladder issues may contribute to constipation and thus colon issues 'may' contribute to urinary incontinence. You might need catheterizing to relieve bladder pressure, but some imaging and a consultation will clear that up.

  • Beta13
    Beta13 Member Posts: 3 Member

    I started to have bladder issues about two months after my last chemo treatment (total of 6 months.). I was urinating at least 6 times an evening so the result wass very very little sleep. During the day it was sort of the same frequency. The result was I had to be careful if I went any where and when I did I wore protective underwear. I visited several uroligists, but one figure it out. Chemo lowers a persons emune system, so I had some sort of bacteria. Serveral prescriptions had no effect, but one doc that figured it out. He prescribed:

    sulfameth trimethoprim (800/1600mg). After 10 days I was 95% normal. So I am working on the next 10 days.

    The task is finding an uroligist that totaly understands your issues. I went to 3 before things got right.

    Hope this helps, best of luck to you.