skiddex_ga Member Posts: 5 Member


Thanks for allowing me to join the group.

I'm 76 and diagnosed with a Gleason 10 and PSA of 51. Comorbidities are COPD and CHD.

My first treatment was 10 rad treatments, palliative, followed by daily Erleada and Orgovyx. What can I expect with that regimen?


  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,206 Member


    What type of radiation treatment did you have? The other two ADT drugs you are on have their own unique side effects which your doctor should have already reviewed with you. The side effects from the drugs vary from person to person so it’s probably going to be a wait and see kind of thing in my humble non medical opinion. Hope for minimal effects………..

    Dave 3+4

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,530 Member

    Please expand on the TURP procedure (and the radiation therapy, as requested in the post above). Have you been diagnosed with metastatic disease?

    With respect to expectations, your PSA should drop to very low. You can also expect to be unusually tired and have hot flashes. A solid exercise regimen may be helpful.

  • skiddex_ga
    skiddex_ga Member Posts: 5 Member

    TURP is acronym for transurethral resection of the prostate. At the conclution of the procedure tissue samples of the prostate, referred to as prostatic chips, were collected and sent to pathology. In my case the report came back as stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer.

    The first treatment targeted pain relief with ten rounds of radiation. The second was medication to kill androgen used as food by the tumor cells. Not sure how long I will continue with anti-androgen hormonal therapy.

    My military service may have exposed me to unknown health dangers in the mid to late 1960's.

  • skiddex_ga
    skiddex_ga Member Posts: 5 Member

    Thanks, Old Salt. My service branch was USN.

  • skiddex_ga
    skiddex_ga Member Posts: 5 Member

    My urologist doctor usually says hi and goodbye.



  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,530 Member

    Thank you for your service. Is the VA taking care of you?

    There's a special program if you were in Vietnam and in contact with Agent Orange.

    Agent Orange - Public Health (

  • skiddex_ga
    skiddex_ga Member Posts: 5 Member

    I was on a CVA in the med. I did 2 years on the flight deck. I'm eligible for VA visits at my local clinic, but it's been awhile. Not involving VA at this point. Have good BC Blue insurance and Medicare.

    Am awaiting a consult with an oncology specialist.

    Gleason is 10 and PSA has dropped to 18. My best bet now is to stay the course with erleada and ogorvyx.

  • tsillik
    tsillik Member Posts: 2 Member

    we’re you close to Viet Nam if so, don’t waste no time getting a claim in, prostate cancer is a presumptive for disability, as long as your being treated for prostate cancer your eligible for 100% disability, a nice monthly check! Terry

  • tsillik
    tsillik Member Posts: 2 Member

    I just seen you abbreviated Med. Looks like no to south east Asia. Terry