Advice On Home Medical Equipment Required For Recovery

sunnyboy Member Posts: 5 Member

Hello all you courageous and fierce cancer fighters. My elderly father is going in for a radical nephrectomy and I’m taking time off to care for him after he is released from the hospital.

My question is what home medical equipment would you recommend I purchase to make the recovery slightly more comfortable? Things I’m considering :

Bed rail for grabbing onto to help get up out of bed


toilet seat safety bars for easier lowering onto seat

shower chair

flexible shower head for hand held rinsing in shower

Many thanks in advance.


  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member

    Couple of quick questions, Sunny. How old is your dad and is he in good shape…physically? I had a laparoscopic partial so my recovery was a little different, but the answers to these questions can help us provide quality responses.


  • sunnyboy
    sunnyboy Member Posts: 5 Member

    My father is 90 and is in decent shape for his age. Thanks.

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member

    90—wow! In that case, all the items you listed would be beneficial for him after surgery. Does he have one of those lifting recliners? Don't worry if he doesn't, but if he's like me in my recovery, he'll spend time in one. I slept in the recliner for a couple of days. Pillows will be helpful to pull into his stomach in case he sneezes or coughs. You'll want to have him up walking, so make sure he has a clear path to be able to walk. Pain med-induced constipation was a problem for me, so plan in advance just in case it's an issue for him.

    I'm sure I'm missing some items, but others will chime in and offer suggestions.

    Keep us posted—wishing you (and your dad) only the best!


  • sunnyboy
    sunnyboy Member Posts: 5 Member

    Several folks have recommended a power lifting recliner and I feel like my dad could really use one. I might purchase or rent one. Thanks for your help!

  • AliceB1950
    AliceB1950 Member Posts: 250 Member

    I was 68 when I had my nephrectomy. I slept on a fairly firm and high futon in sofa mode, with lots of pillows. It was easy to get up, pushing myself up with one hand. My Dad had a nephrectomy at 88, but because he also had an aneurysm repair at the same time, he was kept in the hospital for longer. He had one rough day which seemed to be due to the anesthesia not wearing off, but after that he was stomping up and down the hallways of the hospital with us trying to keep up.

    I think if you go for a recliner, rent one and have him use it for a while before surgery to make sure he gets along with it. The reason I didn't want one is because I always get my feet tangled up in them and I was afraid it would make me fall.

  • sunnyboy
    sunnyboy Member Posts: 5 Member

    It’s so good to hear that your dad was up and walking so soon afterwards! Thanks for your response.

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,051 Member

    Been There, Done That, at age 64…18 years ago. You're on top of the list, but other suggestions might include permanent or vacuum stick-on hand-rails in Bathroom/toilet & shower area. Also, around any steps he would need to use. I slept in a recliner for several nights once at home, but was also in the hospital for 6 days because I had mets to other areas. He may be able to use a 4-foot cane; they stand there while he uses both hands. Get rid of tripping problems such as throw rugs without rubber backing.

    Even with 1 kidney, it will continue to work and needing to go the bathroom, with an easy route to get there will help.

    All my best as you take care of Dad.


  • sunnyboy
    sunnyboy Member Posts: 5 Member

    Thanks so much for your response. My dad is a smart cookie and had done a lot of these things already.

    I’m happy to report his surgery went well and his recovery seems just shy of miraculous!

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member

    Good to hear that he is doing well after surgery. Thanks for the update!


  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member

    Also advise your dad not to skip breathing exercises, if he will be recommended them after surgery. These are needed to avoid pneumonia after lung ventilation during surgery. My husband ignored them and got pneumonia all right….

    Good luck to your dad and speedy recovery!