Post catheter Urine stream slowing

Wheel Member Posts: 194 Member

On Monday my catheter came out and my urine stream seemed stronger than before but not because of any enlarged prostate issues previously. I had always for the last 15 years just had a slow stream. So initially I was wow this is great. Now over the last three days my urine stream is slowing down again and the last time it seemed as if it was going to fan. Has anybody experienced this?


  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,265 Member


    What does it mean when your urine stream was going to fan? I know in my case my urine stream stayed strong from cath removal til today.

    Dave 3+4

  • Wheel
    Wheel Member Posts: 194 Member


    Sometimes just before your stream may split into two it spreads out vertically like when you open a Japanese fan opening.

  • lesjanes
    lesjanes Member Posts: 70 Member

    Yes Wheel, that is exactly what I am going through now. I feel 1-2 weeks post catheter my pee stream was strong . Now my pee stream sprays (fans) and is not as strong. This is very frustrating because I am making a mess of the bathroom and my outer pants. And I also have some issues when I sit and pee.

    When I pee it is a little uncomfortable. Not a burning sensation, but just an unfomfortable sensation. And the urethra in my penis feels very hard when my pee stream intially start. So this development the last few weeks has really thrown me off mentally.

  • Wheel
    Wheel Member Posts: 194 Member


    Have you had a chance to ask your Surgeon about this? I have a post op visit next Wed. I have tried doing some research and found the following. Scar tissue can build between your urethra and bladder where the reattachment occurred but usually takes some time and can can cause a stricture. Also urethral stenosis, a narrowing of the urethra. These seem to take weeks or months to develop. I also read something that the catheter has kept your urethra wide open for 7 to 10 days and when the catheter is removed it remains that way wide open stretched for a short time which is why you initially see such a good flow. As the urethra returns to its normality and the bladder and urethra need time to adjust you can see reduced urine stream and increased urgency for several months but then dhould begin to improve. Their is the half a glass of water story, is the glass half full or half empty. I’am the half empty pessimistic type person. Fortunately I have my post op visit soon.

  • lesjanes
    lesjanes Member Posts: 70 Member

    I see my surgeon on Wednesday. I am also experiencing some discomfort when peeing, My urethra inside my penis gets hard/firm when I start to pee. And of course spraying, split pee stream, dribbliing. Very aggravating.

  • Wheel
    Wheel Member Posts: 194 Member

    I guess since we are both having our post op’s the same day with similar questions we can compare notes.

  • lesjanes
    lesjanes Member Posts: 70 Member

    My Dr did a visual in the tip of my penis and see anything unusual. He feels that my urethra is still healing from surgery/catheter. He didn't want to put a scope in to look further up at this time. He thought the issue would go away on its own, but if no change in 3 months then he would scope it. (Scope is my term for looking up my penis, not his term)

    So status quo for the time being on peeing. On the plus side, down to 2 to 3 shields a day.

  • Wheel
    Wheel Member Posts: 194 Member

    Post stream stable now. My Dr today also said my urges and trips to the bathroom should diminish. I am fortunate off pads now.

  • lesjanes
    lesjanes Member Posts: 70 Member

    Hmm, we are eerily similar. I stopped pads today to test it out. No real leaking.

    Still spraying a lot when I pee. I start tadalafil today. So hopefully if things get stretched out the peeing may improve.

  • Wheel
    Wheel Member Posts: 194 Member

    Good luck!