myxoid liposarcoma

freemargins Member Posts: 2 Member

Hello Guys,

After surgical removal of tumor 6x5x5cm (high grade) on right thigh with all clear margins from the lab report, necessary to go for radiation/chemo or.. Please suggest if anyone of you have gone through similar issue..


  • SarahMor
    SarahMor Member Posts: 5 *

    Hi Freemargins,

    I had the same back in 2008, with radiation. Though I’ve heard that even radiation might not be necessary as long as margins are all clear. Cutting it all out is the main thing. Of course every type of tumor is different, percentage of round cell etc etc. how deep, how large. I opted for it even if it was overkill. I now have clusters of spider veins in that area, maybe due to the radiation. But hey, I’m alive and technically cancer free. Good luck!

  • freemargins
    freemargins Member Posts: 2 Member

    hello @SarahMor thanks for feedback and wishing you good health and happiness. i feel very happy when i hear about you. For a prevention action we also agree for a radiotherapy with total radiation dose of 6450cGy in 30 fractions. Several case study i have read and role of chemotherapy is an option where several doctors also not suggest. Below i summarize the steps what we have done so far, i hope it helps others and would like to hear from other people.

    MRI on Right Thigh for tumor abnormal growth (depend upon size >< = 5cm)

    Surgery on Right Thigh

    Pathology Report (Result: Myxoid liposarcoma)

    Oncologist Review

    Surgery wounds follow up ( Result : ok)

    PET scan

    Post Operative Radiotherapy

    Note: Patients are not dying because of cancer i have seen in several cases, but improper treatment is the main cause. I hope they should find/develop an injection which can be injected in the affected area and kills the cancer cells immediately👍️👍️!!