New Here and Biopsy Tomorrow

desccc Member Posts: 2

hello everyone,

I’m new here, and have endometrial biopsy tomorrow  I had an ultrasound and the results are my endometrial stripe is too thick  I don’t have the exact measurement as I haven’t seen the doctor since the ultrasound and was called to schedule biopsy  

Im 51 yrs old.  Over 22 yrs ago I had mild endometriosis, ovarian cysts and fibroids   I have been in perimenopause since last August but have only missed one period, in January. For the past couple months I’ve been having  spotting between periods and sometimes spotting after sex.  This past week the symptoms are new  with bloody thin mucus discharge  Have also felt sensations of leaking clear fluid from vagina and some clear watery discharge. I’ve had no pain.

i have no family history of endometrial  cancer, but my primary doctor referred me to the gyn for ultrasound to rule out endometrial cancer 

Thank you 


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,476 Member
    desccc, getting checked is

    desccc, getting checked is the best thing you are doing.  Try not to get ahead of yourself here.  Take a breath and let us know how it goes.  

  • Northwoodsgirl
    Northwoodsgirl Member Posts: 571

    Glad you found this forum. Your symptoms sound familiar to many of us. But just remember there is probably less than a 10% probability it is cancer. Keep positive and let us know how you are doing. Everyone in this forum is here for you should you need us! 


  • desccc
    desccc Member Posts: 2


    Glad you found this forum. Your symptoms sound familiar to many of us. But just remember there is probably less than a 10% probability it is cancer. Keep positive and let us know how you are doing. Everyone in this forum is here for you should you need us! 



    thanks everyone!

    i had to reschedule my biopsy because I started my period. She gave me the results of ultrasound and my endometrial thickness was 16mm, but since I’m in perimenopause she says there’s no real number to ****. Only in menopause. My biopdy was two days ago.

    my spotting is back again. There seems to be a pattern the last two months where I will Have no spotting for one week after period stops, then it starts up again. 

  • Harmony09
    Harmony09 Member Posts: 79
    Your symptoms do sound

    Your symptoms do sound familiar; however, they could just be perimenopausal. It's great that you have a doctor that isn't ignoring your concerns and is taking precautions...just in case. I agree though....don't get too far ahead with worrying. Hopefully you won't even need us! ;)

    Please keep us posted. I know all the leakage is beyond a nucence...but I am glad you aren't in pain:)

    Best wishes,


  • Flanancy
    Flanancy Member Posts: 17 Member

    I am post menopausal, endometrial stripe over 20 mm, d and c and hysteroscopy in a week. So scared I cannot eat or sleep since I read my prognosis is poor with thickness of this size. No support. Help.

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,010 Member

    Welcome Flanancy. It is scary to think you might have cancer. One in ten biopsies are positive for cancer. And most endometrial cancers are the slow growing kind so there is that too. Waiting is really hard, and scary, but try not to get ahead of yourself. Keep busy. We are here for you.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,476 Member

    Flanancy, I am not sure where you are hearing your prognosis is poor? It sounds like you are getting a D&C, and that is the best diagnosis detector for endometrial cancer, and only after that will you find out what you are dealing with.

    It is completely understandable to be scared, but try to take a breath and let's see what you are dealing with. As Forherself pointed out, the odds it is nothing is greater than if it was. We are here to help, and we are all waiting with you and want to hear back after you get your test results, to listen and guide you with anything you need.