What can nurses do to better help you?

Kitchell Member Posts: 62
edited July 30 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I am an RN student and I would like to know what the nurses who care for you could do to better help you? I'm anxious to get your feedback! Please reply!


  • groundeffect
    groundeffect Member Posts: 639 Member
    I'll offer some observations from the hospital bed. If I had known how to work the sides of the bed, I wouldn't have had so much difficulty getting up to go to the restroom when my catheter was removed. I really didn't want to call a nurse in to show me (and was probably pretty dopey anyway), so I squirmed around the side to get out a few times! I was offered pain killer one time, either orally or a shot "that would take effect sooner". I didn't think to ask what the shot was, and got very sick from the Demorol that it was. I would have not considered it if I had known what it was, but then again, I was probably dopey then, too!

    Remember that your patients are likely to be slow and need to have things explained clearly.

    I have to say I did like my nurses at the hospital that I had surgery at, and really appreciated their attentiveness to my needs!
  • pshnyc
    pshnyc Member Posts: 45
    Thanks for asking. Best advice is to remember that there is a person in the hospital bed, not just a body. A person who has just heard that they have cancer...or who is in for a repeated hospital stay from cancer. A person who is experiencing a tramatic physical AND emotional time. Be kind, be gentle, offer a smile, even a "you're going to be OK." Something simple can mean so much to your patient. I can't tell what an awful experience I had with nurses during my hospitalization. A family member slept with me in my room every night of my hospital stay just to make sure I got what I needed when I was too doped up to advocate for myself. Just imagine that your patient is your loved one..your Mom, or sister...and treat them like you would want your loved one to be treated. If you can remember this, you will do well.
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Thanks for asking us and I can tell you I've had some wonderful nurses and some awful nurses. One nurse in particular was heaven sent and she wouldn't just through a puke pan at me but stay by my side and hold the pillow on my stomach while I wretched and help me clean up. Another one would toss the dish at me and out she'd run not even make sure I was okay afterwards. Some other nightmares I'd hate to repeat. As pshnyc said just imagine that your patient is your loved one..your Mom, or sister...and treat them like you would want your loved one to be treated. If you can remember this, you will do well.
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    Thank you for have the desire to help people and work in one of the most difficult fields there is. Over the years I have had a great deal of experience with the medical profession, and I realize that nurses have a tremendous responsibility and work load. I know your hours are long and you're on your feet all day, non-stop. Most of my experiences are good regarding the care I or loved ones have received. But, a little compassion goes a long way. Some nurses just 'do their duty'. But it really helps if you seem like you care. Now, I realize you can't get emotionally involved with every detail - you'd be exhausted before 2 hours are up! And some people might not even care for the 'loving' attention. However, it makes a world of difference to me. At least in your position, you have an opportunity to really make a difference to someone who is in pain or just really depressed about their situation. Unfortunately, most doctors distance themselves so much from the patient, that one feels alienated and in the dark. So, if we ask you a ton of questions it's because we're not getting answers anywhere else. So, if you don't know the answer, please assure us that you will try to find out. You're our only connection to the doctor, except when he comes in maybe once or not at all!
    Good luck finishing school. You have chosen a wonderful site to get feedback. Hope this all helps! Thank you for caring.
    MONTE Member Posts: 6
    Be caring and patient. We are all scared silly, when it happens. We cant think straight, the Docs are throwing so much info at you , its hard to digest . After surgery, you feel like a truck hit you, and then comes the diagnosis. Try to spend some time with your patients, hold their hand, and just be there. Good Luck !
  • jdjacobs
    jdjacobs Member Posts: 8 Member

    When taking care of cancer patients in the hospital remember if the patient rings their call bell, it’s not just to see if anyone answers, it’s been rung because the patient needs something. I got tired of saying yes I needed something that was why the call bell was used. If working in the cancer center, don’t be a show off and put in an IV without a tourniquet. The needle hurts enough as it is with a tourniquet, it hurts worse without one.

  • beth2924
    beth2924 Member Posts: 31 Member

    I have had some amazing nurses and some well-meaning but poor nurses. It's all new to the patient, explain everything you can and if possible as though you are talking to a rational human, not a child. I didn't even know what to ask, so basics would be a good place to start. Each step hits us like a hammer to the skull, and we are likely doped up or super worried. I had a nurse "explain" something about post-op as if it were the 100th time she had said it- it probably was, but it was my first time hearing it. Vague things like listening to your body mean nothing and everything. First, my body has just betrayed me, second what may be sensible for one person may not be for another. Give me examples of what to make note of, how things might feel, and what they might mean. Tell me why. I was told not to do exercises to protect the vaginal floor, and then to do them by someone else. In both cases the nurse may have been correct, time was probably the factor, like don't do anything for three weeks until the doctor sees you again- but that part was left out.