Weight gain

BES58 Member Posts: 15 Member

Is it normal to gain weight after Prostate surgery RALP? I haven't gained a ton but Have gained like 15 lbs. The bad part I watch what I eat and drink. I am limited in my exercise due to 4 back surgeries and both shoulders having had surgery.


  • Marlon
    Marlon Member Posts: 85 Member

    I lost weight. No appetite for a week. I think it was from the anesthesia and pain killers, not from anything about the procedure. Still not eating well.

  • BES58
    BES58 Member Posts: 15 Member

    My surgery was a year and a half ago. went for my 3-month PSA test came back undetectable still. It's just frustrating that the weight started gaining and can't seem to lose it.

  • Dan1959
    Dan1959 Member Posts: 6 Member

    RALP back in February ‘22. Testosterone dropped below 300 and has yet to recover (test last month was at 289). I, too, gained 15 lbs. I lost 10 of it doing intermittent fasting, biking, swimming and walking. It’s proven difficult to get keep off without half starving myself!

  • BES58
    BES58 Member Posts: 15 Member

    With no place to swim near by that option is out. I used to walk a lot, but I can't take the heat or even humidity much since that surgery. I have a treadmill and an elliptical. As far as starving I go a lot of days eating a small amount to nothing. The ole weight just stays where it was. I do have my yearly exam in September. Makes me wonder if this isn't water weight gain. I have to drink between 90 and 150 oz of water a day.

  • dogdog
    dogdog Member Posts: 5 *

    Hi, I put on a lot of weight after prostrate surgery, say 10 kg or 25 lb. No, I did not eat like a horse. Now, a year or so later, I find I must starve myself and exercise hard daily. Tea and slice of toast for breakfast, coffee and cookie for lunch. I found that a moderate weight loss diet had no effect whatsoever. Still struggling. By the way, the root cause of the weight gain is change of metabolism following from the surgery. Nobody seems ready to admit that or research it. Good luck. Peter

  • BES58
    BES58 Member Posts: 15 Member

    Brother, I understand everything you just said. Today on my FaceBook timeline it just happened to pop up my weight from 5 years ago 202lbs. Ya great still sitting at 219lbs. Eating even less than back then. I'll see my primary care doctor in September and see what else I can do. I get out even in this 100-degree heat and cut the yard. I might drop a pound but it comes right back. Today went for 5 injections in my hands for osteoarthritis and Duypetrens. Plan on cutting yard tomorrow, just have to wait and see.