How likely is radiation n a one and done proceedue

ron3637 Member Posts: 14 Member
edited July 15 in Prostate Cancer #1

Thank you all for your help. I am trying to find out how likely radiation would be in my case and in general is a one and done procedure with no reoccurrence . I am told I am a favorable intermediate case with:

76 years old in good health

PSA 5.6

Decipher 4.0

Slowly rising PSA over time

Biopsy: Three sites out of 14 with with cancer. All three with less than 13% percent of cancer present. All located in one quarter of the prostate.

The primary reason for asking the above is that I don't want to deal with ADT. I would prefer surgery but if ADTis likely, I would go with surgery.

Thank you


  • Josephg
    Josephg Member Posts: 443 Member

    Unfortunately, you are asking for a rather specific answer to a question that has so many variables that there is no single clear answer that applies to all prostate cancer (PCa) patients. And, you did not supply us with a Gleason score resulting from your biopsy, which is a major factor in determining the details of your specific PCa.

    The 'global' answer to your question, which really has little value on a case by case basis, is about 30% of all PCa treatments (surgery or radiation) have a recurrence at some point in the future.

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,467 Member

    I hate to write this, but you are no youngster anymore. My (highly recommended) urologist told me ten years ago that he didn't do prostatectomies for men over 70. I will admit that physical health is more important than (calendar) age as such.

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 605 Member

    with your age psa level and all one and done is you

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,700 Member

    Well, you can do radiation without ADT.

    In the end, it is RT that kills the bandit. ADT is palliative and would only improve the outcome.

    The choice on RT vz RP is that surgery is more invasive and lead to a different set of side effects.

    However, choosing an option depends on a series of confirmed test and exams results, and the clinical stage attributed by the urologist.

    What was yours?

    We all need luck in this journey.

    Best wishes
